Ethics and Professional Ethics

Base Knowledge

Good command of the Portuguese language, both in terms of grammar and spelling, in conjunction with the specific demands of the logic and rationality of legal discourse, combined with technical-legal rigor, which requires a firm grasp of forensic matters .

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes, with debate sessions and participation of Master’s students, upon prior indication of the topics and controversial issues to be addressed. Special consideration and attention to teaching with practical and valid repercussions for future forensic life, whether in terms of gaining immunizing “anti-bodies” against bad ethics and professional deontology, or in terms of improving and gaining a forensic professional ” good”, humanly valid, worthy and compatible with the minimum or essential emotional intelligence, required by everyone who has to give “a voice to those who have no voice”, without taking their voice, hindering their voice or preventing their voice, allowing them to be offended their essential fundamental rights, thus sliding towards the inclined plane of less protection of such rights, against the current considered and constitutionally codified paradigm of higher or “performing” protection.

Learning Results

C1. Knowledge – Of the constitutional paradigm considered and codified in terms of fundamental rights and its interplay with the minimum ethical and deontological rules imposed in light of the constitutional role attributed to Public Professional Associations. Understanding the characteristics and functioning of the solicitor’s office and “executive agency”. Analysis of the legal framework applicable to solicitors and “executive agency”. C2. Understanding – Perception of the advantages of solicitors, as a form of collaboration in the administration of justice and increasing social peace. C3. Application – Efficient evaluation of the information made available by the parties regarding each conflict, in order to select the best judicial means of resolving each conflict. Ability to qualify facts and resolve practical cases. C4. Analysis – Perception of the Solicitor’s role and intervention in the administration of justice, in general and in particular, in declaratory action and civil executive actions.C5. Formulation of judgments – Ability to study independently. Development of critical opinions and perception of the essential importance of the “question of constitutionality” in defense of fundamental rights, in the context of the Constitutional Court.


1. History of the solicitor’s office/and “execution agent” and its legal framework (constitutional, legal and regulatory)

2. Winds of Change in Forensic Ethics and Deontology – Analysis of the implications of Laws 6/2024, 7/2024 and 10/2024, of 19 January.

3. The “moments of crisis” in Forensic Ethics and Deontology and the (non) role of the Solicitor and the Execution Agent in the “question of constitutionality”.

4. The duties that “remain” and those that “disappear” after 2024: navigational error or “natural evolution”?!

5. Ethics, Deontology and duties: in accessing and exercising the forensic profession.

6. Professional responsibility: criminal, disciplinary and civil (in particular the interplay of the violation of ethical-deontological and professional duties and its projection into the violation of fundamental rights and the specific theme of “loss of chance”)

7. Old and New Requirements for Solicitors and Execution Agents.

8. An overview of the new challenges arising from recent legislative changes: new directions for Solicitors and “executive agency” at the dawn of the 21st century?

Curricular Unit Teachers




– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Da Ética e (História da) Deontologia Profissional dos Solicitadores e dos Agentes de Execução, 7.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, 2024.

– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Dos (Novos) Estatutos (da Ordem) dos Solicitadores e dos Agentes de Execução e (da Ordem) dos Advogados, Código Deontológico dos Solicitadores e Agentes de Execução e Legislação e Regulamentação Complementar Fundamental, 10.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, 2024.

– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva,  Estatuto (da Ordem) dos Solicitadores e dos Agentes de Execução e Regime Jurídico dos Atos dos Advogados e de Solicitadores, 1.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, 2024.

– MAGALHÃES, Fernando Sousa, Estatuto da Ordem dos Advogados, Anotado e Comentado, 16.ª edição, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2023.

– COSTA, Orlando Guedes da, Direito Profissional do Advogado, 8.ª Edição, Livraria Almedina, 2015

– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Ética e Deontologia Profissional (Das Velhas e Novas Associações Públicas Profissionais), Em especial nas Forenses, 1.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, 2024.

– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Liber Amicorum, Homenagem – In Memoriam – ao Advogado JOÃO FERREIRA DA COTA, Volume I, O Tribunal Constitucional e os “Momentos de crise constitucional” no Recurso de Fiscalização Concreta da Constitucionalidade e na Ética e Deontologia Profissional Forense, Prefácio da D.ra CATARINA DOS SANTOS GOMES, 1.ª Edição, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa, 2024.

– RODRIGUES, Benjamim Silva, Estatuto dos Solicitadores, Anotado e Comentado, 2.ª Edição, Quid Juris, 20210.

– HOMEM, António Pedro Barbas, Judex Perfectus – Função Jurisdicional e Estatuto Judicial em Portugal 1640-1820, Colecção Teses, Livraria Almedina, Coimbra, 2003.

– ARISTÓTELES, Ética a Nicómaco, 3.ª Edição, Quetzal, 2009.

– PINTO, Eduardo Vera-Cruz, Curso Livre de Ética e Filosofia do Direito, Principia, 2010.