Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures (8h): to present the topics / content , raise issues and facilitate the students’ approach; Practical classes ( 17h ) : Critical analysis of programs and projects , research and group work ;
Individual study.
Copy of the slides as well as other bibliographic support. Evaluation Methodology: Individual work.
Learning Results
Academic skills to be acquired in this course:
Acquisition of a level of knowledge to critically and systematically analyze available evidence and find solutions within the exercise prescription to promote health and lifelong risk reduction;
Understand prescription levels and, accordingly, implement customized physical activity / exercise programs for health promotion / risk reduction;
Explain why adherence to long-term exercise programs is problematic and develop skills to promote it;
Ability to apply evidence to the design, organization and application of personalized exercise programs based on exercise characteristics and behavior change teaching techniques to ensure the best health outcomes for populations and individuals in different contexts and age groups;
Ability to design and apply research methodologies to study the effect of exercise programs on health promotion and lifelong risk reduction.
Physiotherapy in Health Promotion and Risk Reduction of Non-Communication Diseases (NCD)
Exercise Prescription for the Promotion of Active Aging
Motivational factors and adherence to physical activity / long-term exercise programs
Strategies for developing effective group and individual exercise programs – which suggests the evidence:
Mode / Type
Duration / Time
Components (heating, conditioning, stretching, cooling)
Exercise Teaching Strategies
Physical Activity / Exercise Prescription Levels
Individual and group teaching techniques for behavior change programs
Exercise adaptation for people with sensory, cognitive, communication, motor, and other disorders
Curricular Unit Teachers
American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM´s guidelines for exercise testing and prescrition. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, etc.: Wolters Lumer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
HEPA Europe (2005) The European Network for the Promotion of Physical Activity. 1st meeting of the Network, Gerlev, Denmark, 26–27 May 2005 (report on the Internet). HEPA Europe, Rome.
Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. PAGC Report, 2008. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2008
Swedish National Institute of Public Health. (2010). Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease. Professional Associations for Physical Activity, Sweden (
A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism. Circulation 2007;116:572-84.