Familiy Law

Base Knowledge


General Theory of Civil Law

Tort and Contract Law

Property Law

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical explanation and resolution of cases.

Learning Results


To provide knowledge regarding the legal regime of family relations: marriage and de facto union, formal and substantial requisites of marriage; personal and patrimonial effects of marriage; regime and effects of divorce;  effects of parenthood, in particular parental responsibilities


I. Introduction. Family relations

II. Marriage

A. Concept of marriage

B. Substantial requisites of marriage

a) Consent

b) Matrimonial capacity


D. Validity of marriage. Putative marriage.

E. Personal effects of marriage

F. Patrimonial effects of marriage

a) Property regimes and prenuptial agreements

b) Administration of assets and restrictions regarding acts.

c) Liability for debts

c) Termination of patrimonial relations. Distribution of property.

d) Contracts between spouses

G. Separation of persons and assets

H. Divorce

a) Divorce by mutual consent

b) Divorce without the consent of one of the spouses

c) Effects

III. De facto union

IV. Parenthood

A.Effects of parenthood – parental responsibilities in particular

Curricular Unit Teachers





 Bibliografia essencial:

Guilherme de Oliveira, Manual de Direito da Família, Coimbra, Almedina, 2021.