Base Knowledge
General agricultural knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical sessions, throughout the semester, with an expositive methodology for the presentation of theoretical concepts;
Illustration, throughout the semester, of concepts with practical cases and their group discussion;
Elaboration, during the semester, of the exploration plan of a real agricultural company; analysis of the exploration plan and its economic viability.
Learning Results
1.Knowing specificities of agricultural production;
2. Organize agricultural work in relation to agricultural machinery;
3. Elaborate technical plans of agricultural exploration;
4. Characterize agricultural enterprises (AE) based on legal, size and technical-economic criteria, as well as the proportion of use of the main factors of production;
5. Know the AE cost structure;
6. Calculate AE economic performance indicators;
7. Analyze the economic feasibility of exploration plans based on partial and global budgets.
a) Specifics of agricultural production; soil and climate dependencies; seasonality; exploration plan objectives; technical characterization of agricultural activities;
b) Typology and characteristics of family and salaried workforce; planning and management of machine parks;
c) Planning of agricultural activities adjusted to known restrictions;
d) Types and diversity of AEs; physical and economic dimension; technical-economic orientation; agricultural production factors; productivity and profitability of factors: capital, land, labor and entrepreneur;
e) AE’s cost structure; fixed and variable costs, real and attributed, general and specific; cost allocation; break-even thresholds; average and marginal costs; Scale economy;
f) Analysis of results based on budgets; partial and global budgets; feasibility analysis in the substitution of factors;
g) AE planning based on partial and global budgets; risk analysis and its mitigation.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste escrito - 60.0%
- - Avaliação prática - 40.0%
- - Plano de exploração - 50.0%
- - Teste escrito - 50.0%
Fundamental Bibliography:
- AVILLEZ, F.; SILVA, F.; TRINDADE, C.; AVILLEZ, F.; SALEMA, J.; PEREIRA, N. (2006) Planeamento da Empresa Agrícola, Manual Técnico, Módulo I. Agrogestão, Programa Agro.
- MARQUES, C. (2012) Planeamento da Empresa Agrícola, Manuais da Universidade de Évora, Escola de Ciências Sociais, 298 p.
- VILLALOBOS F. C., MATEOS L., ORGAZ F., FERERES E. (2009) Fitotecnia. Bases y Tecnologías de la Produccion Agrícola. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
- URBANO TÉRRON, P. (2002) Fitotecnia. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
Complementary Bibliography:
- AICEP (2017) Portugal Produtivo, Uma década de mudança. Portugal Global nº 100. Julho. Ed. AICEP.
- CAP, CNA, AJAP, CONFAGRI e DGADR (2022) Agricultura Sustentável. ISBN: 978-989-8539-13-7.
- COSTA, João Paulo; FERREIRA, Hugo; CORREIA, Maria da Luz (2001) Contas de Cultura das Actividades Vegetais: Modelo de Base Microeconómica – 1997. Lisboa: Gabinete de Planeamento e Política Agro-Alimentar.
- OVELHEIRO, M. (2005) Estudo de Casos de Boas Práticas de Gestão de Explorações Agrícolas. SPI.TRIGUEIRO, J.J., ABREU, J.M., SILVA, D. (2005) Conceitos e Práticas em Modernas Explorações Agrícolas. SPI.