Teaching Methodologies
Given the specificity of this curricular unit, the student must guarantee the minimum presence in 42 contact hours (classes), assisting, in this condition, the right to take the exam, if he has not obtained approval by continuous evaluation.
The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Oral presentation focused on the planned contents;
– Study and reflection on theories, works and reference authors.
The evaluation in the curricular unit will take place, at the student’s option, from the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria with the following components and weights:
– Work (group) – weight of 30% in the overall evaluation;
– Test – weight of 70% in the overall evaluation.
– Mastery of the syllabus – weight of 70% in the overall evaluation of the exam;
– Ability to communicate ideas – weight of 30% in the overall assessment of the exam.
Learning Results
3.1. Characterise in general terms the history of fashion and textiles
3.2. Identifying fashion and textile concepts
3.3. Compare fashion and costume.
3.4. Recognize the historical-cultural factors from Prehistory to the Century. XXI.
3.5. To analyze and characterize textiles and clothing from Prehistory to the Century. XXI.
4.4.1. The history of fashion and textiles
4.1.1. Fashion and costume
4.1.2. Fashion and the human body
4.1.3. Origins of clothing
4.1.4. Developments in textiles
4.2. Textiles and clothing from prehistory to the Century. XXI
4.2.1. Prehistory
4.2.2. The Ancient East
4.2.3. Egypt
4.2.4. Crete
4.2.5. Etruria
4.2.6. Greece
4.2.7. Rome
4.2.8. Byzantium
4.2.9. The Barbarian Invasions
4.2.10. The High Middle Ages
4.2.11. The Romanesque
4.2.12. The Gothic
4.2.13. The Renaissance
4.2.14. The Baroque
4.2.15. Rococo – Century. XVIII
4.2.16. Post French Revolution – Century. XVIII
4.2.17. Empire – Century. XIX
4.2.18. The Restoration and Romanticism – Century. XIX
4.2.19. New Rococo – Century. XIX
4.2.20. The Period from 1890 to 1910
4.2.21. The 2nd Decade of the Century. XX
4.2.22. The Years 20 / 30 – Century. XX
4.2.23. The Years 30 / 40 – Century. XX
4.2.24. The Years 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 – Century. XX
4.2.25. The first two decades of the century. XXI
4.3. Historical-cultural factors of the different eras
4.4. Analysis of textiles and clothing over time
Curricular Unit Teachers
1.Boucher, F. (2020). História do Vestuário no Ocidente. Cosac & Naify.
2.Cardoso, R.(2008). Uma Introdução à História do Design. 3ª Ed. BlucherLaver, J. &.
3.Dempsey, A.(2010).Estilos, escolas e movimentos. Trad. Carlos Eugênio Marcondes de Moura. Cosac & Naify.
4.Gromer, K. (2015). Aspectos do Design, Produção e Uso de Têxteis e Vestuário da Idade do Bronze até a Era Moderna Primitiva. Archaeolingua:Edição bilíngue.
5.Haye, A. (2012). Costume and Fashion: A Concise History, 5th ed.. Thames & Hudson.
6.Lehnert, G. (2007). História da Moda do Século XX. Könemann.
7.Seeling, C. (2000.). Moda: O Século dos Estilistas 1900-1999. Könemann.