Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
All subjects will be exposed in lectures, and then explored in more detail in practical lectures, laboratory practice, in an approach as practical as possible. The theoretical-practical classes are dedicated to the exposition and elaboration (practice) of food products and solving practical problems that involves issues related to the products ( mass balances, dilution of solutions, etc.) with individual support to the student, but also taking opportunity of the interactions between students for co-learning. For this purpose, students will be divided into groups of 3-4 students, each group will have to present summary reports of the work with results, calculations and graphs and present a research paper on a food product, preferably not focused on the classes.
Learning Results
1.Describes the techniques used in food preservation, taking into account the variables limiting the shelf life of foods.
2. Predicts the shelf life of food products based on food characteristics, processing, packaging and storage conditions.
3. Calculates the heat treatment parameters needed to ensure the food safety in pasteurization and sterilization processes.
4. Understand the production diagrams for specific fermented products, focusing on the processing operations. Identify the critical analyses for the quality control of these type of products.
5. Work efficiently in a group to achieve learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4 while demonstrating the ability to plan, divide tasks, and establish agreements.
c1. Food deterioration and food preservation techniques and industrial equipment; heat treatments; cooling preservation; preservation by reduction of water activity; preservation by lowering pH; preservation by inhibiting substances; other preservation methods.
c2. First order kinetics applied to microorganism death, enzyme inactivation and quality changes in food and packaging.
c3. Some specific food production processes: Cheese production, yogurt production, pickle productions, cider production.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Trabalhos laboratoriais (3 relatórios com resultados e cálculos + 1 relatório completo) + auto e heteroavaliação) - 40.0%
- - teste escrito - 60.0%
CASP, A.; ABRIL, J. – Procesos de conservación de alimentos. Madrid : Coedición A. Madrid Vicente, ediciones e Ediciones Mundi Presa, 1999;
BRENNAN, J. G.; GRANDISON, A. S. – Food Processing Handbook. Weinheim : Wiley, 2012. ISBN 9783527634378.
FELLOWS, P. J. – Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Second Edition Ellis Horwood Series in Food Science and Technology. Abington : Taylor & Francis, 2000. ISBN 9780849308871.
RAHMAN, M . S., – Handbook of Food Preservation. 2nd. Edition. New York, USA: CRC Press, 2007. ISBN 13: 978-1-57444-606-7