Food Chains

Learning Results

This course aims to provide students with the study of the product through the methodology agri food supply chain
The study allows to know in depth the strengths and weaknesses of the product environment . It allows to
emphasize strengths and weaknesses of the system and then establish precise policies and actions needed to
strengthen the positive aspects and remove restrictions. It covers:actors directly or indirectly involved in the
system ; synergies; externalities; cooperation and / or influence relations; strategic control that ensures power for
certain agents ; bottlenecks;inter – sectoral links; degree of competition and transparency of different levels of
trade; aded value step by step to determine the formation of the final price . An analysisof supply chain is not an
economic or financial analysis in the strict sense of the word is also a geographical, political and sociological


Methodology row and “value chain”.
Definition and role of a study of the row.
Organization of a study of the agricultural sector.
The delimitation of the row. The collection and analysis of primary and secondary data.
Functional Analysis and strategy trade. The market analysis.
The financial analysis of the sector.
Policy analysis and the level of integration in the industry.
Sociological analysis of existing policy.
Formulation of a diagnosis.
Hierarchy of constraints




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Calvin Miller, M; Jones, L., (2010) Agricultural Value Chain Finance: Tools and Lessons. FAP.
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