Base Knowledge
There are no prerequisites.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical / practical classes, with practical work (in the forest area of the ESAC campus for data collection and use of the instruments, in the room for information processing). Guidance tutorial for monitoring the learning and use of instruments.
Learning Results
It is intended to enable the student with knowledge about: – conservation and enhancement of forest ecosystems and the environment in rural areas; – Optimization and rationalization of forest resource management; – The articulation of the forestry strategy with sustainable rural development; – promoting sustainable economic and social development; The student to acquire the following skills: 1 – Know the historical framework of the relevant aspects of local and sustainable development and the different perspectives and ways to achieve it; 2 – Understands the social and environmental implications of technical proposals; 3 – Recognizes the importance of public participation in the planning, decision-making and execution of projects and plans; 4 – Know the main certification systems at national and international level; 5 – Know the requirements of the application and monitoring of the environmental certification systems of the forest and natural spaces.
1 – Sustainable development and developing economies.
2 – Sustainable development and environmental sustainability.
3 – Forest resources in rural development.
4 – The sustainability of the Portuguese forest.
5 – Forest Certification
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequência - 50.0%
- - Trabalho teórico/prático - 50.0%
- - Exame teórico - 50.0%
- - Exame prático - 50.0%
Andersen, F., Birot, Y., Paivinen, R., (eds.) (2004) Towards the sustainable use of Europe’s forests – Forest ecosystem and landscape research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities. European Forest Institute, EFI Porceedings nº 49, 2004, 322 pp.
Bass, S., () La certification des Forests. EFI, 36 pp.
Bergh, J., (1996) Ecological economics and sustainable development.Theory, methods and applications. Edward Elgar Publications, 312 pp
Buttoud, G., Soberg, B., Tikkanen, I., Pajari, B., (2004) The evaluation of forest policies and programmes. European Forest Institute, EFI Proceedings, nº52, 216 pp.
Franc, A., Laroussinie, O., Karjalainen, T. (eds) (2001) Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, at forest management unit level. European Forest Institute, EFI Proceedings, nº 38, 277pp.
Niskanen, A., Vayrynen, J., (eds) (2001) Economic sustainability of small-scale forestry. European Forest Institute. EFI proceedings, nº 36, 290pp.
Nmetz, P., (1992) Emerging issues in forest policy. UCB Press, Cancouver, 573pp.
Upton, C., and Bass, S., (1995) The forest certification handbook. Earthscan Publications, Lda, London, 219pp.