Base Knowledge
Basic concepts of Algebra.
Teaching Methodologies
The classes will be expository, with the development (through multimedia supports) of the various syllabus contents complemented with dialogued classes.
Practical component through the resolution of small examples of practical cases related
Learning Results
Provide a general education in CG, transmitting basic knowledge in modelling, lighting, application materials, texturing, animation, rendering, editing and post-production video, using a graphical tool specialized, current and widely used by the market.
Knowledge and understanding:
To know the general concepts of Computer Graphics,
Understand the basic geometric transformations, the visualization process, different modelling techniques, the basic concepts of lighting, and the basic concepts of colouring and the mechanisms of animation.
Knowledge application:
Build graphical presentations, using modelling, visualization, and lighting, colouring and animation tools.
Conducting judgment:
Analyse a graphical problem and identify the resolution options.
Decide among the possible alternatives for solving a graphic problem
Present / explain the work developed.
Theoretical Component
- Introduction to Computer Graphics;
- Meshes, curves and surfaces;
- Modelling techniques;
- Visualization;
- Colours;
- Lighting and materials;
- Discreet techniques;
Laboratory Component
- Modelling;
- Lighting;
- Use of materials;
- Animation;
- Rendering;
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main Bibliography
Páris, C., (2024). Fundamentos de Computação Gráfica – Apontamentos Teóricos. Disponível no Nónio
Páris, C., Rocha, T. & Martins, N. C., (2024). Fundamentos de Computação Gráfica – Exercícios. Disponível no Nónio
Pereira, J. M., Brisson, J., Coelho, A., Ferreira, A., & Gomes, M. R. (2018). Introdução à Computação Gráfica. FCA., ISBN: 978-972-722-877-5. Disponível em: 1A-9-146 (ISEC) – 18940
Blender Foundation. (2024, January 12). Blender 4.0 Reference Manual — Blender Manual.
Complementary Bibliography:
Hughes, J. F., Foley, J. D., Van Dam, A., McGuire, M., Sklar, D. F., Feiner, S. K., & Akeley, K. (2014). Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 978-032-139-952-6
Gortler, S. J. (2012). Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN: 978-0262017350
Blain, J.M. (2023). The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling and Animation: Volume One (8th ed.). A K Peters/CRC Press.
Blain, J.M. (2023). The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling and Animation: Volume Two (8th ed.). A K Peters/CRC Press.