General Agriculture and Animal Science I

Base Knowledge

Those legally required to attend the course.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to be able to confer the proposed competences, the teaching / learning process is based on:

1. Classes of theoretical and theoretical-practical introduction to contents related to the importance of agricultural and animal production, national and international agricultural reality and the different types of species and breeds exploited;;

2. Viewing videos and slideshows, consulting and researching technical elements on plant species and breeds, currently most used in agriculture and animal production;

3. Theoretical introduction classes, followed by field classes related to cultural techniques and laboratory classes in the subjects related to the nutritive characterization of food and its use by the animal;

4. Bibliographical research and elaboration of a work on a relevant agronomic theme.

Learning Results

1. Evaluate the role of national agriculture, on the European and global context;

2. Know the interconnection between agriculture and the surrounding environment;

3. Establish the most adequate crop rotations to a certain situation;

4. Evaluate the seeds quality and the most suitable methods of sowing/planting to each situation;

5. Know the importance of animal science at national, european and global level and main indicators used in animal husbandry;

6. Know major livestock species and breeds: origin, distribuition and main produtive characteristics;

7. Realize the structural and functional interrelationships of plants and animals;

8. Identify animal species with different digestive and metabolic characteristics and nutritional requirements.


Module 1 – Principles of Agricultural Production (weight 50%):

Importance of Agriculture in the World and for humanity. Biodiversity and plant species. Agriculture in Portugal and in the World. Framework of national agricultural production in Europe and world agriculture. Characterization indexes used in agriculture: National positioning.;

Concepts and definitions of agriculture. Main types of agriculture: summary characterization; traditional versus modern systems of agriculture;

Classification of Cultivated Plants: Botany; Agronomic; According to the life cycle; According to the length of the day; According to the temperature; According to soil and water regime; According to the photosynthetic type; Phytotechnics. Differences between the main fitotecnias. Practical application of different classifications of plants in the field;

Seed and seeding. Classification of seeds. Agricultural value of the seeds. Seeding techniques. Season of sowing. Seed legislation. Seed density and settlement. Quantity of seed. Seeding processes. Planting and transplantation. Analysis of seeds. Storage of seeds (general principles). Exercises;

The Climate: Agronomic view. Climatic characterization. Elements of climate and their use in agriculture. Protections for weathering. Climate classification. Climate patterns of the continent and its implication in agriculture;

Soil and agriculture: soil formation, profiles, constituents, properties and important parameters, characterization, evaluation, correction and soil work;

Humic correctives. Definition and constitution of humus. Importance of organic matter in the soil (physical, chemical and biological functions). Yield of organic matter in humus. Products of interest as humic correctives;

Fertilizers and fertilizations. Classification of chemical fertilizers. Advantages and disadvantages of composite fertilizers. Characteristics of the main fertilizers. Determination of fertilization and choice of fertilizers. utilization rates. Techniques for the application of fertilizers. Exercises;

Crop rotations. Factors of choice. Nomenclature. Justification for crop rotations. Norfolk crop rotation. Examples of crop rotations for Portugal. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of crop mixtures. Examples of crop mixtures for Portugal;

Guided tours of the field to contact with crops, weeds, machinery and agricultural equipment. Critical appraisal of the main cultural techniques used in agriculture.

Module 2 – Animal production and nutrition (Weight 50%):

Importance of animal production.

National livestock production: statistics and territorial distribuition.

Animal husbandry technical-economic indicators.

Livestock breeds origin and characteristics.

Food composition and laboratory systems of food analysis.

Classification, structure, function and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogenous compounds, vitamins and minerals in animal nutrition.

Anatomy, physiology and microbiology of the digestive system of different animal species and main digestion products.

Digestibility of food, animal and feed related factors that influence it.

Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por Exame
  • - Módulo 2 (Peso 50%): 1) prova escrita (80%); 2) prova escrita (20%) - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 1 (Peso 50%): prova escrita (100%) - 50.0%
Avaliação Contínua
  • - Módulo 1 (Peso 50%): 1) teste escrito (80%); 2) trabalho escrito (20%) - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 2 (Peso 50%): 1) teste escrito (30%); 2) teste de resposta curta (20%); 3) teste escrito (50%) - 50.0%




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Caldas, E. A agricultura portuguesa através dos tempos. Lisboa: INIC. 1991.

Diehl, R. Agricultura geral. Lisboa: Clássica Editora, Colecção Técnica Agrária. 1984.

Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV). Raças Autóctones Portuguesas. 2013. ISBN: 978-972-99044-4-8.

Drogoul, C.; Gadoud, R.; Joseph, M. M.; Jussiau, R.; Lisberney, M. J.; Mangeol, B.; Monteméas, L.; Tarrit, A. Nutrition et alimentation des animaux d’elevage, volume I e II. Dijon: Educagri éditions. 2004.

Éliard, J. L. Manual geral de agricultura. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América, Colecção Euroagro. 1979.

FAO – The State of Food and Agriculture 2019. Moving forward on food loss and waste reduction. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2019.

FAO – The State of Food and Agriculture 2021. Making Agrifood Systems more Resilient to Shocks and Stresses. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). Alimentation des Bovins, Ovins et Caprins. Paris: INRA éditions. 1988.

McDonald, P.; Edwads, R. A.; Greehalgh, J. F. D.; Morgan, C. A., Sinclair, L.A & Wilkinson, R.G. Animal Nutrition, 7ª Ed. Edimburgh: Prentice Hall. 2011.

Soltner, D. Les bases de la production végétale. Angers: Collection Sciences et Techniques Agricoles; Tome I, II et III. 1995.

Terrón, P. Fitotecnia: ingeniería de la producción vegetal. Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa. 2002.

Villalobos, F.; Mateos, L.; Orgaz, F.; Ferreres, E. Fitotecnia: bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola . Madrid: Ed. Mundi-Prensa. 2002.