Geographic information systems

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the competences provided to the students, the teaching-learning process is based on theoretical-practical classes in which the teacher transmits theoretical concepts, followed by the practical application by the student of exercises proposed by the teacher;

Learning Results

To know the basic principles of operation of a computer equipment and the fundamental aspects for a Geographic Information System.
Develop skills to use computer tools, for data processing and calculation, and image processing, as well as the presentation of results.
Develop data analysis and graphical representation capabilities.
Know the principles of use of geographic information systems.
Know the concepts necessary for the georeferencing of data and the production of digital cartography.
Integrate and analyze information obtained from different sources in a Geographic Information System.
It uses remote sensing images within the scope of cartographic production.
Produce thematic cartography efficiently and be able to make this information available online.


  • Applications: operating systems; “live” options; office suites, proprietary and “open source” GIS.
  • Image processing and editing.
  • Registration, data processing and graphical representation of data.
  • Constitution of a Geographic Information System (GIS), importance and function of the different components.
  • Basic principles of using GIS software and using GIS software for editing, integrating data and information production.
  • Spatial analysis operations, distance, cost, layer overlays and logical operations and math.
  • 3D analysis operations, digital terrain models, altitude, exposure, slope, watershed visibility.
  • Integration of the analysis processes mentioned above in a more complex problem with production of thematic cartography and availability of results.
  • Use of “online” GIS

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • Amaral, P (2006). O essencial sobre…O Computador. Porto Editora (9789720451224)
  • Cosme, A. (2012) Projeto em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Lidel, Lisboa. DeMers, M. (2005) Fundamentals of Geograhpic Information Systems. 3rd Edition, Wiley & Sons, United States.
  • Fonseca, A; Fernandes, J. (2004) Detecção Remota. Lidel, Lisboa Janert, PK (2010). Gnuplot in action: understanding data with graphs, Manning.
  • Machado, J. A. R. (2000). A Emergência dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica na Análise e Organização do Espaço. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
  • Marques, PC (2011). Exercícios de Excel 2010. FCA – Editora Informática (9789727226788
  • Matos, João. (2008). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica – 6ª Edição, Lidel, Lisboa Manuais e tutoriais do software ArcGIS e QGIS. Oakland, JS (2003). Statistical Process Control, 5th ed., Butterworth Heinemann