Base Knowledge
No previous knowledge is needed in order to attend this subject.
Teaching Methodologies
Some teaching strategies will be:
- Speaking in classes (drilling, repetition, spontaneous speaking activities).
- In-class individual and group work.
- Debates, games, discussion on cultural aspects.
- Playing out real life situations, role-play.
- Games (puzzles, Kahoot, dominoes…)
- Reading and writing exercises.
- Listening exercises.
Learning Results
In this semester the student will obtain language skills corresponding to the first half of the A1 level. Having completed the semester, the student should be able to:
- present himself/herself and others.
- understand and fill out forms.
- have complete control over the conjugation of the language’s main verbs, as well as regular verbs, in the Present tense.
- pose and answer questions.
- create sentences with some degree of complexity (with connectors, negation pronouns, time and/or place adverbs).
- speak of their family.
- go to the restaurant.
- describe one’s diet.
- briefly speak about their job/studies.
- set up dates/meetings.
The following themes will be taught:
- Begrüßung und Vorstellung
- Telefonnummern
- Formulare
- Familie
- Essen, im Restaurant
- Alltag an der Universität
- Termine an der Universität
- private Verabredungen
- im Supermarkt (jobben)
- Reisen
- Arbeit und Beruf
Curricular Unit Teachers
The grammar above may help with further study. The book Kurs DaF A1 will not be used on every class and the teacher will always hand out prints of the most relevant exercises and/or texts.