Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In this curricular unit, the following teaching methods are used:
a) Verbal methods, using exposition, explanation, dialogue, debate and interrogation;
b) Intuitive methods, using demonstration, audio-visual and written texts;
c) Active methods, using group work and case studies.
Learning Results
1. Understand the importance of Operations Management for the competitiveness of companies
2. Recognize the planning and control functions in Operations Management
3. Apply specific techniques of stock management
4. Identify the basic project management methodology
5. Recognize the importance and usefulness of quality control
6. Acquire Lean Management concepts
1. Introduction to operations management
1.1. Historical evolution
1.2. Productivity and competitiveness
1.3. Objectives of operations and production Management
2. Demand forecasting
2.1. Demand characteristics and the forecasting process
2.2. Forecasting methods
3. Physical localization of the facilities
4. Aggregate production planning
4.1. Characteristics of the planning process
4.2. Aggregate production planning techniques
5. Stock management
5.1. Stock characteristics
5.2. Models used in the economic management of stocks
5.3. Safety stock
6. Purchasing management
7. Production resource management (MRP)
8. Project planning and control
8.1. Characteristics of a project
8.2. Planning and control techniques
9. Management and statistical quality control in operations
10. Lean management
Curricular Unit Teachers
Carvalho, J. (coord.) (2017). Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. Edições Sílabo.
Courtois, A., Pillet, M., & Martin-Bonnefous, C. (2016). Gestão da Produção. Lidel
Lisboa, J., & Gomes, C. (2016). Gestão das Operações. Vida Económica.