Gestão de Produtos e Marcas

Base Knowledge

Marketing Introduction

Teaching Methodologies

In this curricular unit the following teaching methodologies are used:

– Verbal methodologies (say), with the use of the teaching resources exhibition, explanation, dialogue and debate;

– Intuitive methodologies (show), with the use of pedagogical resources demonstration, audiovisuals and written texts;

– Active methodologies (do), with the use of teaching resources group work, team and project work and case studies;

– Methodologies that incorporate new technologies in teaching processes: gamification.

Learning Results

– Develop understanding of the product concept, its classification and role in organizations.

– Understanding the various strategic and political options for product line management.

– Understand the role of packaging and price in formulating product strategy and its interaction with other marketing variables.

– Understand the importance of the brand for the product, its components and the various opportunities and challenges that this poses to marketing managers.


1. Product Management

1.1. The product and innovation

1.2. Strategic planning of the product

1.3. Product development models

1.4. Tools in product management

2. Brand Management

2.1. General considerations about brands management

2.2. The registration of brands

2.3. Brand architectures

2.4. Brand positioning

2.5. Brand elements

2.6 The value of the brand

Curricular Unit Teachers




Aaker, D. (1996). Building strong brands. The Free Press.

Chevalier, M., & Mazzalovo, G. (2005). Pro logo: por qué las marcas son buenas para usted. Belacqua de Ediciones y Publicaciones.

Diogo, J. (2008). Marcating: Gestão estratégica da marca. Paulus.

Kapferer, J. N. (1994). Marcas, capital da empresa. CETOP.

Keller, K. L. (1998). Strategic brand management: Building, measuring and managing brand equity. Prentice-Hall.

Lencastre, P. (Coord.) (2007). O livro da marca. Dom Quixote.