Gestão Urbanística e Ambiente

Base Knowledge

Basics of administrative law.

Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be treated using two complementary methodologies: interpretation and analysis of the technical and legal matters; exposure of content by the teacher and discussion with students; approach of case studies as well as conducting simulation exercises and analysis of plans.

Learning Results

The student should be able to:

a) be part of the licensing procedure for projects at both municipal and supra-municipal levels;

b) distinguish between public and private initiative licensing procedures;

c) know the contents of the administrative procedures foreseen in law or regulations;

d) manage procedural information in each of the licensing and/or development phases of the project;

e) know the skills of the actors involved in the process

f) intervene both on the side of the promoting entity and the licensing entity in areas with specific requirements.


  1. Urban planning.
  2. Territorial management instruments.
  3. Urban planning and management.
  4. Planning as a precedent and condition of management: management/execution without plans, management/execution based on plans and management/execution of plans.
  5. Systematic execution: management as programmed execution of plans.
  6. Unsystematic execution: urban management based on plans.
  7. The Legal Regime of Urbanization and Building.
  8. Environmental Management Instruments.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação final
  • - Trabalho escrito - 25.0%
  • - Prova escrita individual - 75.0%
Avaliação Periódica
  • - Apresentação oral - 25.0%
  • - 2 Provas escritas individuais - 50.0%
  • - Trabalho escrito - 25.0%




Oliveira, F. P. (2018). Direito do Urbanismo. Do Planeamento à Gestão. AEDRL.

Oliveira, F. P. (2011). Novas tendências do direito do urbanismo. De um urbanismo de expansão e de segregação a um urbanismo de contenção, de reabilitação urbana e de coesão social. Almedina.

Carvalho, J. & Oliveira, F. P. (2003). Perequação, Taxas e Cedências. Administração Urbanística em Portugal. Almedina.

Lobo, M. L. C. (2006). Administração Urbanística. Evolução legal e sua prática. IST Press.