Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model, with a structured exposition of the contents and related analysis and discussion.
Interrogative and interactive methodologies will be used prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts and demonstrative and active methodologies through the practical application of these contents in everyday situations, resorting, whenever justified, to audiovisual means. It also includes the autonomous study with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of texts/papers.
Students will be evaluated through an individual or group written assignment (100%) about the contents covered in the course that reveals the extent and depth of theoretical knowledge acquired, the ability to reflect on these same contents and to foresee/identify solutions, alternatives and interventions in the areas of health promotion at work.
The assessment can also be done through a written exam (100%).
Learning Results
To recognize the evolution of concepts related to occupational health and work.
To acquire knowledge in the field of workers’ health and safety, namely with regard to work/health relations.
To identify the hazards and risks associated with working conditions and their main consequences.
To deepen knowledge about the concept and principles of workplace health promotion.
To know the health promotion process in the workplace.
To Know and to apply methodologies for designing, planning, implementing, and evaluating programs and activities to promote health in the workplace
To identify the importance of information, communication and training for workers and other participants in the workplace, for health promotion.
To identify prevention and protection measures at work.
The notion and principles of health promotion.
Occupational Health and its framework.
Work: definition, characteristics, dimensions, and psychosocial functions.
Work analysis: the activity, the consequences of the activity, the working conditions.
Work/health relationships and safety and health at work
Professional risk concept, its implications and risk analysis.
The different occupational risk factors.
Characteristics of a safety and health culture.
Workplace health promotion programs: structuring, planning, implementation, and assessment.
Training, communication, and dissemination of health promotion in the workplace.
The consequences of work for the health of workers: work accidents, occupational diseases and other pathologies, occupational stress and Burnout.
Equipment for individual and collective safety.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Daniellou, F. (2014). Le travail bien fait contre l’organisation: Enjeux de santé et de production. In L. Lerouge (Dir.), Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail (pp. 81-89). Octares Editions.
European Commission. (2010). Investing in well-being at work: Addressing psychological risks in times of change. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (2018). Workplace Health Promotion.
Freitas, L. (2022). Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho. Edições Sílabo.
Hanson, A. (2007). Workplace Health Promotion-A Salutogenic Approach. AuthorHouse: Bloomington.
Iavicolo, S. (2014). Les facteurs de risques psychosociaux dans le monde changeant du travail. In L. Lerouge (Dir.), Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail (pp. 10-21). Octares Editions.
Jiménez, B. (2011). Fatores e riesgos laborales psicosociales: Conceptualización, historia y cambios actuales. Medicina Y Seguridad Del Trabajo, 57(1), 4–19.
Lacomblez, M. (2001). Analyse du travail et élaboration des programmes de formation professionnelle. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 56(3), 453 – 578.
O’Donnell. M. (2002). Health Promotion in the Workplace. Delmar.
Schwartz, Y. (2011). Conceituando o trabalho, o visível e o invisível. Trabalho Educação e Saúde, 9(1), 19–45.
Smit, D., Proper, K., Engels, J., Campmans, J., & Oostrom, S. (2022). Barriers and facilitators for participation in workplace health promotion programs: results from peer‑to‑peer interviews among employees. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 96, 389–400.
Teiger, C., & Vouillot, F. (2013). Les pénibilités du travail. Travail, Genre et Sociétés, 29, 23-30.
Terry, P. (2023). The Twenty Five Most Important Studies in Workplace Health Promotion. American Journal of Health Promotion, 37(2),156-163.