Health Promotion in the Workplace

Teaching Methodologies

The CU will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured exposition of the contents and related analysis and discussion. Will use an interrogative and interactive methodology prior to the presentation of the main content and concepts, and is demonstration/explanation through its practical application in everyday situations and using, where appropriate, audio-visual means. Will, also
include autonomous study and research.
Students will be evaluated through individual written assignment (100%), about covered contents that reveals the extent and depth of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course; the ability to reflect on that knowledge and identify solutions, alternatives and interventions in Health Promotion at Work.
The approval in the subject is achieved with a greater than or equal to 10 marks (scale 0-20), resulting from the individual assignment.
The assessment can also be done through a written exam (100%).

Learning Results

Understand overall evolution of concepts related to occupational health and work;
Increase knowledge of the concept and principles of health promotion in the workplace;
Recognize the different stages of health promotion process in the workplace and know how to apply design methodologies, planning, implementation and evaluation of programs and activities in this field;
To acquire knowledge in the field of health and safety of workers in particular what concerns the relationship work / health;
Identify the hazards associated with safety conditions, chemical, physical and biological contaminants and the organization of work and interpersonal relationships in the workplace;
Know the measures of prevention and protection;
Recognize the importance of information, communication and training promotion of employees and other stakeholders in the workplace.


The concept and principles of health promotion;
Occupational health – Legislative Framework;
The work: Considerations and Work analysis;
The theoretical and societal economic context of health promotion in the workplace;
Health promotion approach in the workplace: Phases of the process, actors and functional roles;
Marketing and communication in health promotion;
Relations work / health;
Safety and health at work;
Professional risk concept and its implications;
Risk analysis;
Occupational hazards: physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial;
Personal and Collective Protective Equipment.

Grading Methods

Individual written assignment
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 100.0%




Daniellou, F. (2014). Le travail bien fait contre l’organisation: Enjeux de santé et de production. In L
Lerouge (Dir.), Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail (pp. 81-89). Toulouse:Octares Editions
Freitas, L. (2008). Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Hanson, A. (2007). Workplace Health Promotion-A Salutogenic Approach. AuthorHouse: Bloomington
Iavicolo, S. (2014). Les facteurs de risques psychosociaux dans le monde changeant du travail
Lerouge (Dir.), Approche interdisciplinaire des risques psychosociaux au travail. Toulouse:Octares Editions
Jiménez, B. (2011). Fatores e riesgos laborales psicosociales: Conceptualización, historia y cambios actuales. Medicina Y Seguridad Del Trabajo
Portal da Saúde (2013). Plano Nacional de Saúde 2012-2016
Teiger, C., & Vouillot, F. (2013). Les pénibilités du travail. Travail, Genre et Sociétés
Mapa X-Políticas Públicas Saudáveis e Políticas de Saúde