Health Psychology

Base Knowledge

Not Applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

In TP classes, teaching methodologies include active, interrogative and demonstrative methods, with structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis, discussion or debate. In approaching the contents, they will be exemplified, through their practical application in everyday situations, allowing greater interaction with students and a more appropriate learning of new skills.
The P classes will be held in small groups and allow for the training of skills, through simulation and role-play, and the practical learning of new skills in the aforementioned areas. Volunteering activities and interaction with the community (school and external) will also be carried out, allowing the development of the addressed skills. Exercises to apply the concepts covered in the TP will also be carried out.

Learning Results

– Know the concept of health in the current perspective, the importance of behaviors, lifestyles and quality of life, in education/health promotion.
– Know the main health communication skills.
– Know the relationship between stress and health, at different contextual levels.
– Know the impact of emotional health on the individual’s well-being and general health.
– Think critically about the current concept of health, and how to be an active agent in its promotion.
– Communicate adequately in different professional contexts and be assertive.
– Know how to self-regulate emotions and manage stress.


Module 1 | Health Psychology, health and disease (10h)
1. Concept of health over time and today.
2. Impact of behaviors on health.
3. Determinants of health/disease behaviors (psychosocial, environmental, emotional and cognitive factors).
4. Lifestyles and quality of life.
5. Health Promotion, Health Literacy and Health Education.
Module 2 | Interpersonal skills in health (15h)
1. Introduction to the study of communication.
2. Communication at different contextual levels: with the patient and in the health team.
3. Health communication skills.
4. Assertiveness in a health context.
Module 3 | Stress, Coping, Health and Illness (10h)
1. Stress concept and main explanatory models
2. Stress and health/disease
3. Professional Stress and Burnout
4. Strategies for managing stress
Module 4 | Emotional regulation, health and well-being (10h)
1. Emotional states and health
2. Anxious and depressive symptomatology
3. Emotional self-regulation

Curricular Unit Teachers





“Bibliografia Primária” (na biblioteca)

AMARAL, AP. A importância da vulnerabilidade ao stress no desencadear da doença física e mental perante circunstâncias de vida adversas. Dissertação de Doutoramento. FMUC, 2008.

BENJAMIN, Alfred – A entrevista de ajuda. 9ª ed. São Paulo : Martins Fontes, 1998. 207 p. ISBN 85-336-0809-8

FACHADA, MO Psicologia das relações interpessoais. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Rumo, 2000

OGDEN, J. Psicologia da saúde. 2ª edição revista e ampliada. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores, 2004. ISBN 972-796-092-8

RAMOS, M. Desafiar o desafio: prevenção do stresse no trabalho. Ed RH, 2001. ISBN 972-96897-7-

REIS MARQUES A (…) AMARAL AP (…) Reacções emocionais à doença grave: como lidar… Consulta de Risco – Clínica Psiquiátrica dos H.U.C. Ed Psiquiatria Clínica. Coimbra. 1991

“Bibliografia secundária” (disponível online)

AMARAL, A.P. (2022). Stresse e Saúde: contextualização teórica e intervenção em educação para a saúde. Coleções: IPC-ESTeSC – Livros. ISBN: 978-989-8252-82-1. Disponível

AMARAL, AP. Stresse, Coping e Doença. In Macedo, Pereira & Madeira (Coord) Psicologia na Medicina, 24: 343-360
Lidel, Ed técnicas Lda, 2018.

EACH – HPCCC (2012). The Health Professionals Core Communication Curriculum (HPCCC): Objectives for undergraduate education in health care professions.

MESQUITA, A. R., Lyra, D. P., Brito, G. C., Balisa-Rocha, B. J., Aguiar, P. M., & de Almeida Neto, A. C. (2010). Developing communication skills in pharmacy: a systematic review of the use of simulated patient methods. Patient Education and Counseling, 78(2), 143– 148.

Note: Books and/or articles can be found in the Library or are available online.