Health Psychology

Base Knowledge

There is no recommended Basic Knowledge.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical model with a structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis and discussion or debate. An interrogative and interactive methodology will be used prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts, and demonstration/exemplified by their practical application in everyday situations and resorting, whenever justified, to audiovisual means.


It also includes the autonomous study with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of texts/articles.

Learning Results

The student must acquire:

 Knowledge of:

* Behaviors, health and illness;

* Psychosocial changes associated with the disease;

* Occupational Health.


Skills for: 

* Understand the basic psychosocial aspects related to health promotion, disease prevention and overcoming, and treatment adherence; 

* Analyze and interpret the relationships between behavior, emotions and health status.

*Discuss and analyze the application of psychosociological theories and models in the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors as well as in the modification of risk behaviors;

*Know in global terms the evolution of concepts related to occupational health and work and integrate knowledge in the field of health and safety of workers.


Competencies for:

*Protect yourself adequately in the performance of your profession and promote a safe and healthy work environment;

*Knowing and discussing the role of the physiotherapist in promoting workers’ health;

* Reflect on the illness in psychosocial terms;

* Be an active agent in promoting health behaviors;

* Identifying and dealing with emotions and stress.


1. Health concepts and health psychology

1.1. Objectives and emergency factors in Health Psychology;

1.2. Health Psychology, health and disease;

1.3. Impact of behavior on health, lifestyles and quality of life


2. Behavior and Health Psychology

2.1. Health, disease, sick, preventive (behavioral protection), risk (behavioral risk) behaviors, pathogens and behavioral immunogens, behaviors beneficial and harmful to health;

2.2. Determinants of health and illness behaviors

  • Psychosocial, emotional, environmental and cognitive factors and influences;
  • Stress as a cause and consequence of health-related behaviors;
  • Stress and illness and the mediating factors of this relationship;
  • Health beliefs and disease cognitions, their importance and consequences.

2.3. Adoption and modification of health behaviors.


3. Importance of Psychology in health services

3.1. Hospital admission and surgical interventions;

3.2. The hospitalized child;

3.3. Chronic diseases;

3.4. Pain, the 5th Vital Sign;

3.5 Mental Illness.


4. The patient-health professional relationship

4.1. Communication and understanding in health;

4.2. Adherence to treatment and causes of non-adherence.


5. Occupational health


6. Professional stress

6.1. Stress factors in health professionals;

6.2. Burnout;

6.3. Personal and institutional strategies to reduce stress. 

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography:;

*Amaral, A. P. (2007). A importância da Vulnerabilidade ao Stress no desencadear de Doença Física e Mental, perante Circunstâncias de Vida Adversas. Tese de Doutoramento. Faculdade de Medicina. Universidade de Coimbra

*Associação Psiquiátrica Americana (1996). Manual de diagnóstico e estatística das perturbações mentais. 4ª ed. Lisboa : Climepsi.  XXVIII, 923 p. ISBN 972-95908-6-9.

*Banyard, P. (1996). Applying Psychology to Health. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

*Bennett, P. & Murphy, S. (1999). Psicologia e Promoção da Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

*Charpentier, G. (2003). As doenças e as suas emoções. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

*French, S. (1997). Physiotherapy – A Psychosocial Approach. Oxford: Butterworth – Heinemann.

*Marques, A. R. et al. (1991). Reacções Emocionais à Doença Grave: como lidar. Coimbra: Ed. Psiquiatria Clínica.

*McIntyre, T. (1994). Psicologia da Saúde: Áreas de Intervenção e Perspectivas Futuras. Lisboa: Associação dos Psicólogos Portugueses.

*Ogden., J. (2004). Psicologia da Saúde (2ª Edição). Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

*Paúl, C. & Fonseca, A. (2001). Psicossociologia da Saúde. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

*Ribeiro, J.L. (2005). O importante é a saúde. (1ª ed.). Fundação Merck Sharp& Dohme. ISBN 972-99744-0-3

*Taylor, S. (2014). Health Psychology. Boston: McGraw – Hill.

*Worth, B. (Ed.). (2000). Moving in on occupational Injury. London: Butterworth Heinemann.


Secondary Bibliography:

*Almeida; J.C. (2018). A saúde mental dos Portugueses. Lisboa, Editora: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

*Associação Psiquiátrica Americana. ( 2014). Manual diagnóstico e estatístico das perturbações mentais ( 5 ª ed .). Lisboa: Climepsi.

*Arezes, P.M., Batista, J.S., Barroso, M.P., Carneiro, P.,  Costa N., Melo R.B., Miguel A.S., Perestrelo G. (2019). Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health. Springer. ISBN – 978-3-030-14729-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14730-3.

*Coelho, J. A. (2008). Uma Introdução à Psicologia da Saúde Ocupacional-Prevenção dos Riscos Psicossociais no Trabalho. Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.

*Couto, O.M.D (2021). Dor crônica e implicações neuropsicológicas: Análise dos aspetos neuropsicológicosenvolvidos nas Síndromes dolorosas que afetam a condição médica geral. In D.A. Cruz; E.C. Sampaio; E.F. Costa (Orgs),  A psicologia e suas interfaces na saúde, educação e sociedade (pp. 93-110). doi: 10.37885/210303586. Retirado de

*Fiodorova, A. & Farb, N. (2022). Brief daily self-care reflection for undergraduate well-being: a randomized control trial of an online intervention. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 35:2, 158 170, DOI: 10.1080/10615806.2021.1949000

*Guimarães, T. & Faísca, V. (2013). Perceções de doença como determinantes de comportamentos de saúde na asma. inSousa SN, Pais-Ribeiro JL, Rezende MM, Heleno MG, Buela-Casal G, Tobal J, editors. Livro de Atas do II Congresso Ibero-Americano – III Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde. Faro: CIEO-Universidade do Algarve.

*Leal. I. (2006). Perspectivas em psicologia da saúde. In I. Leal (Coord.). Perspectivas em psicologia da saúde. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.

*Macedo, A.F.; Pereira, A. T. & Madeira, N. (2018). Psicologia na Medicina. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas.

*Martin, E. M.  (June, 2021). College student self-care: A journey, not a destination. College Student Journal. Volume 55, Number 2, pp. 207-218(12). Project Innovation Austin

*Neves, A.C. (November, 2021). An Amplified Concept of Health. Academia Letters. Article 3872.

*Pompilus, S. & Pompilus, A. (2021). The impact of stress on academic performance. Academia Letters, Article 3326.

*Ribeiro, J.L. (1998). Psicologia e Saúde, Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada.

*Serra, A.V. (2005). O Stress na Vida de Todos os Dias. Coimbra: Edição de Autor.

*Tyoakaa, A.; Iortimah, C.G. & Zwawua, O. (April, 2021). Perceived effect of physical activity level on the psychological wellbeing, stress and self-esteem of middle-aged persons (45-65 years) in north-east senatorial district of benue state.  Academia Letters. Article 939. https://doi.1org/10.20935/AL939.


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