Industrial Project

Base Knowledge

Ability to calculate at the level of a degree in technology.

Market research.

Teaching Methodologies

The aim of the industrial project is defined in the first class, as well as the projects to be designed (what they are going to produce) and the workgroups. In the first half of the semester, the teachers present the information pertinent to each syllabus and accompany the students. The industrial project can be carried out in response to different needs, such as the work development project throughout the semester, providing information relevant to each project and reviewing the work carried out on the project weekly. Students should carry out their work during school hours and outside, using different sources of information, including equipment suppliers and other entities related to the project’s theme, such as entities related to industrial licensing, industrial zone management, etc.

Learning Results

The objectives of this curricular unit are the development and evaluation of an industrial project and leadership and teamwork.

The specific objectives (learning outcomes) are:

1. Design an industrial food plant, whose topic is chosen by the working groups or defined by the teachers at the beginning of the course, at the level of marketing, organization, layout, equipment, support services accompanied by the planning of waste management and the legal framework of the activity.

2. Study the project’s economic-financial feasibility, after the market study and an adequate estimate of expenses and earnings.

3. Work efficiently as a team to fulfill learning outcomes 1 and 2, demonstrating the ability to plan, share tasks and establish agreements.


1. The different phases in industrial design: study the project’s needs, location, layout, details and installation.

2. Installation location: economic, technical and legal parameters.

3. Outline of the plant: definition of processes, equipment and functional relationships between zones.

4. Detail of the plan: material and energy flow diagrams (mass and energy balances), Gant diagram, equipment data sheets, area planning and building organization.

5. Hygienic design and other construction details.

 6. Legal framework for industrial activity.

 7. Optimization and strategy, market study, elaboration of specifications.

 8. Estimation of expenses and earnings.

 9. Economic-financial feasibility study. Cost-benefit analysis.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação periódica
  • - projeto final e defesa - 50.0%
  • - 3 peças intermédias - 30.0%
  • - auto e hetero-avaliação - 20.0%





Brealey RA, Myers SC. 2007. Princípios de finanças empresariais. McGraw-Hill Portugal.

Maroulis ZB, Saravacos GD. 2008. Food plant economics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Kotler P, Keller K. 2011. Marketing Management, 14th ed., Prentice Hall.

Perry RH, Green D. 1984. Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 6ª Ed.

Sá E, Monteiro F. 2013. Empreendedorismo e Plano de Negócios. 1ª ed., Porto: Vida Económica.

Singh RP, Heldman DR. 1984. Introduction to Food Engineering. Academic Press. USA.

Vanaclocha AA. 2004. Diseño de industrias agroalimentarias. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid.

Lecture notes.