Information Systems II

Base Knowledge

No precedence over other disciplines is set and no recommended knowledge base is specified.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be taught in a theoretical-practical regime and the teaching methodology will include different pedagogical methods, respectively the expository, demonstrative and project-based learning methods.

The expository method will be used to present the concepts and main contents of the curricular unit. The teacher organizes and orally presents the contents, structuring the reasoning and the result to be obtained. This exhibition will be supported by slides, which will later be made available to students. This exhibition will be complemented with some references made available.

The demonstrative method will be used to exemplify some applications of concepts and different types of diagrams of the UML modeling language. Based on the statement of several practical sheets made available, the teacher shares his know-how and demonstrates and helps students in their execution, so that they successfully carry out what is requested there, sometimes on paper and also on a computer, in particular, modeling information systems with various types of UML diagrams through the Visual Paradigm tool.

The project-based learning (PBL) method will be used to build knowledge through a long and continuous work of study, whose purpose is to meet a challenge/problem that basically consists of choosing an organization, which will be analyzed and used to apply concepts and techniques learned in the theory and specification of software requirements for an information system proposed for this organization.

Learning Results

The main learning objectives (AO) that are intended to be achieved are the following:

  • OA1 – Know good practices associated with the analysis and specification of software requirements
  • OA2 – Understand the principles of the UML modeling language
  • OA3 – Understand and be able to use the most common UML structural diagrams in practice
  • OA4 – Understand and be able to use the most common UML behavioral diagrams in practice
  • OA5 – Raise awareness of the framework proposed by the international standard ISO/IEC 12207 for the development processes of a software product and its respective terminology
  • OA6 – Know how to apply some of the main concepts and approaches learned in classes in a practical project

The main skills (C) that are intended to be developed are the following:

  • C01 – Ability to convert an organization’s business requirements into information system requirements
  • C02 – Ability to elicit software requirements
  • C03 – Ability to analyze software requirements
  • C04 – Ability to specify software requirements
  • C05 – Ability to validate software requirements
  • C06 – Competence in creating structural models of information systems suited to business needs
  • C07 – Competence in creating behavioral models of information systems suited to business needs


A. Processes in the development of an information system according to the ISO 12207 standard

1. The primary processes
2. Support processes
3. Organizational processes

B. Analysis and specification of software requirements

1. Introduction
2. General Description
3. System features
4. External interface requirements
5. Non-functional requirements
6. Other requirements

C. UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling language

1. Introduction
2. Modeling abstractions
3. Concepts used
4. Diagrams used

  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Package Diagrams
  • Activity Diagrams
  • State diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • Interaction Diagrams

           ► Sequence diagrams
           ► Communication diagrams
           ► Interaction overview diagrams


Curricular Unit Teachers




Main bibliography

  • Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., & Jacobson, I. (2006). UML: Guia do Usuário (4a). Elsevier Editora.
  • Borges, J., Cunha, J. e Dias, T. (2015). Modelação de Dados em UML: Editora FCA
  • International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission (1995). ISO-IEC 12207 Standard – Software Life Cycle Processes, Joint Technical Committee 
  • Kimmel, P. (2005). Uml Demystified. McGraw Hill.
  • Koç, H., Erdoğan, A. M., Barjakly, Y., & Peker, S. (2021). UML diagrams in software engineering research: A systematic literature review. Proceedings, 74(1), 13.
  • Mauro, N. e O´Neil, H. (2004). Fundamental de UML: Editora FCA
  • O´Neil, H., Mauro, N. e Ramos, P. (2010). Exercícios de UML: Editora FCA

Complementary bibliography

  • Amaral, L., Varajão, J. (2000). Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação: FCA Editora de Informática
  • Belfo, Fernando. (2012). Especificação de Requisitos de Software. Provas Públicas para Avaliação das Competências Pedagógicas e Técnico-Científicas. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra. Coimbra.
  • Bocij, P., Greasley, A. e Hickie, S. (2008). Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management: Pearson Education
  • Cook, D. e Dupaix, L. (1999). A Gentle Introduction to software Engineering: Computer Resources Support Improvement Program
  • Kroenke, D. (1989). Management Information Systems: McGraw-Hill International Editions
  • Larman, C. (2005). Applying, UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development. New Jersey: Persion Eduction.
  • Layzell, P. e Loucopoulos, P. (1989). System Analysis and development: Chartell-Bratt (Publishing and Training) Ldt. Bromley, U.K.
  • Lucas, H. (1984). The analysis, design and implementation of information systems: McGraw-Hill Book Company
  • McLeod, Jr. (1994). Information Systems Concepts: MacMillen Publishing Company
  • Wideman, R. (2003). Software development and linearity: ICF AI Press