Infraestruturas de Água e Saneamento

Base Knowledge

Students should have knowledge about Hydraulics.

Teaching Methodologies

Expository and inquisitive methods are used in the classes.

During the approach of programmatic subjects, practical situations are exposed, and critical spirit and understanding are encouraged, with active participation in classes.

Students resolve exercises individually or in groups.

Learning Results

This subject aims to acquire knowledge about water supply and drainage (wastewater and rainwater) systems. Generic skills: application of knowledge and understanding; making judgment and decision-making; self-learning; teamwork; written and oral communication. Specific skills: acquire knowledge and understanding in the sector of water supply and drainage systems.


1. Introduction to water supply and sewerage systems

Components of water supply systems: intake, conveyance, treatment, storage and distribution

Components of drainage systems (wastewater and rainwater)

Project horizon

Base elements

Regulations, standards and specifications

2. Water supply systems


Water treatment plants

Transmission lines

Storage tanks

Distribution networks

3. Drainage systems (wastewater and rainwater)

Stormwater drainage systems

Wastewater drainage systems

Wastewater treatment plants

Curricular Unit Teachers





Notes provided by the teachers.

Rossman L. A. (2000). EPANET 2 users manual. Cincinnati, USA: USEPA.

Rossman L. A. (2015). Storm water management model user’s manual version 5.1. Cincinnati, USA: USEPA.

Rossman L. A., & Bernagros, J. T. (2019). National stormwater calculator user’s guide – version Cincinnati, USA: USEPA.


Haestad Methods, Walski, T. W., Chase, D. V., Savic, D. A., Grayman, W., Beckwith, S., & Koelle, E. (2003). Advanced water distribution modeling and management. Waterbury, USA: Haestad Press.

Haestad Methods, & Durrans, S. R. (2003). Stormwater conveyance modeling and design. Waterbury, USA: Haestad Press.

Haestad Methods, Walski, T. W., Barnard, T. E., Harold, E., Merritt, L. B., Walker, N., & Whitman, B. E. (2003). Wastewater collection system modeling and design. Waterbury, USA: Haestad Press.

Çengel, Y. A., & Cimbala, J. M. (2015). Mecânica dos fluidos: Fundamentos e aplicações. Lisboa, Portugal: McGraw-Hill.

Nalluri, C., Featherstone, R. E., & Marriott, M. (2009). Civil engineering hydraulics: essential theory with worked examples 5th edition. Chichester, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (1991). Wastewater engineering: treatment, disposal and reuse (3rd ed., revised by George Tchobanoglous & Frank Burton). New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.