Innovation Management and New Product Development

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledhe of management science

Teaching Methodologies

The existence of theoretical-practical classes is included. In classes, we try to present the themes and illustrate the content through concrete cases and various videos illustrating the topics covered.
Students will be invited to prepare the theoretical exposition classes in advance, by carefully reading the bibliography highlighted for each Chapter of the program. This prior work is considered essential, in order to awaken the student to the content to be exposed, facilitate their learning and improve final performance.
A file with practical cases will be published on ISCAC’s Moodle e-learning platform, and some files with specialized texts and articles that are mandatory reading, as well as various guidance and support documents for carrying out the practical work, including its structure.

Learning Results

• Analyze “innovation” as an interactive and dynamic process.
• Discuss the national innovative and competitive context, taking into account the society and economy based on
• Present innovation as a strategic function, focusing on the different alternatives for a company to access
technology and innovation.
• Characterize the new product development process.
• Understand the different ways of protecting intellectual property and financing mechanisms
of R&D and innovation.
• Identify the cultural characteristics of the innovative company.
Skills to acquire:

C1. Understand the concept of innovation, with an emphasis on analyzing the processes that stimulate creativity and its role in the development of companies and new products
C2. Highlight the distinct role of knowledge as an economic production factor in strategy
C3. Understand the processes that lead to innovation within companies and economies.
C4. Highlight the determining role of various forms of knowledge and technology in competitiveness and in the formulation of strategies for companies and economic spaces.
C5. Understand how innovation is included in companies’ strategic processes and new product development


1- Innovation Concepts
2- National and competitive context of innovation
3- Strategic management of innovation
4- New product development
5- Intellectual property and its protection
6- Marketing and new product development
7- The innovative firm’s culture

Curricular Unit Teachers




Trott, Paul (2008) “Innovation Management and New Product Development”, 4ª ED, Pearson.
Tidd, J., Bessant, J. e Pavitt, K. (2003), Gestão da Inovação – Integração das mudanças tecnológicas, de
mercado e organizacionais, Monitor, Lisboa.
Takahashi, S. e Takahashi, V. P. (2007) Gestão de Inovação de Produtos, Campus, Rio de Janeiro.
Neves, Eurico (1997), “Inovar sem risco”, editorial Presença, Lisboa.

Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change 7th Edition by Joe Tidd (Author), John R. Bessant (Author) – 2021