Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

Base Knowledge

Basic chemical laboratory operations

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies (including assessment):
Teaching is done in a 6-hours laboratory session per week, attended by four groups (of three to four students each) each of which carries out one
of the assigned laboratory experiments. Assessment is based on lab work reports (70%), a paper on the characterization of the two regional red
table wines examined in the lab (25%) and performance in the lab (5%)

Learning Results

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students):
Getting hands-on experience and practical knowledge in both absorption spectrometry and gas and liquid analytical chromatography and
awareness of current methods of sample preparation, while solving real-world analytical problems. Being acquainted with a range of applications
of spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques to solve analytical problems in the laboratory and industry. Ability to operate equipment in
widespread use in the analytical laboratory. Ability to adopt good laboratory practices


Fourteen laboratory experiments:
1. Determination of sodium and potassium in two regional table red wines
2. Spectrophotometric Determination of inorganic phosphate
3. Determination of the purity of commercial copper(II) sulphate
4. Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of acetylsalicylic and L(+)-ascorbic acids
5. Determination of ethanol in wines
6. Determination of acetaldehyde, methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate in red wines
7. Determination of organic acids and dietyl tartrate
8. Determination of 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-hydroxy-2-butanone in red wines
9. Determination of glycerol, D(-)-fructose and D(+)-glucose in red wines
10. Determination of total extract and pH of wine in two regional red wines
11. Determination of caffeine, theobromine and theophyline in coffee, tea and cocoa
12. Determination of lactose, citric acid and L(+)-lactic acid in milk
13. Determination of fatty acid composition of edible oils
14. Measurement of the compositional parameters of cheese

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Relatórios dos trabalhos executados - 75.0%
  • - Trabalho escrito e desempenho no laboratório - 25.0%




Protocolo dos trabalhos laboratoriais fornecido pelo docente/Lab handouts provided by the academic staff responsible for developing the
laboratory experiment.