Internship/ Project

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Only students who have successfully attended (approved) Portuguese Sign Language and Analysis and
Production of Bilingual Materials 1 and 2 Curricular Units may be evaluated at Project UC.
Signd presentation of the written project: (50%) Bilingual resources produced (20%) bilingual resources test in real context (30%)


Only students who have successfully attended (approved) Portuguese Sign Language and Portuguese Sign
Language Interpretation 1 and 2 and Voice Interpretation 1 and 2 Curricular Units may be evaluated at
Training UC.
Continuous evaluation only:
– Internship: students’ skills evaluated by supervisor(s) (24%) + students’ skills evaluated by responsible
member staff (24%) + profile ethics (16%) + a colleague’s public presentation of the report (16%);
– Seminar: internship report (14%) + public presentation (6%).

The trainees will be accompanied by the respective local interpreters supervisors to diagnose the needs, and guide in his/her development.

Learning Results

Create a bilingual didactial material
Test the material in context
Elaborate a final report on the material and its aplicability
Provide students with different contexts in order to apply the knowledge acquired previously, such as translating and interpreting, using the techniques of translation and interpretation; experience some ethical considerations and resolutions regarding the problems that you may experience professionally; simultaneous or consecutive interpretation practice, for voice or for Portuguese sign language, in various areas, according to the context in which they are to engage in professional practice.


Referral and follow-up of individual work.
1- Create a Didactical material:
1.1- Planification
1.2- Execution
1.3- Test in context
2- Evaluate a bilingual material
2.1- Reflexion
2.2- Material re-elaboration

Professional practice in real context and interpretation for Portuguese Sign Language (in any situation in which they are present, at least, a deaf person and a hearing).

Training Seminar:
Regarding to the objectives of this seminar, the contents therein addressed will be set according to the training needs identified in the course of the internship, by the doubts or questions of students in relation to difficulties in different situations, to prepare the final internship report and its public presentation.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Internship Rules Elements - 100.0%




CAMPELLO, A. R. S. Pedagogia Visual / Sinal na Educação dos Surdos. In: QUADROS, R.M; PERLIN. G. (Orgs.). Estudos Surdos II. Petrópolis, RJ: Arara Azul, 2007
CHOPPIN, Alain. História dos livros e das edições didáticas: sobre o estado da arte. In: Educação e Pesquisa. v.30, n.3. São Paulo, set/dez, 2004.
CURY, Carlos Roberto Jamil. Livro didático como assistência ao estudante. In: Revista Diálogo Educação. v.9, n.26. Curitiba, jan/abr, 2009.
DORZIAT, Ana. Sugestões docentes para melhorar o ensino para surdos. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 1999, n. 108, p.108-198.
LEITE, J. G.; CARDOSO, C. J. Inclusão Escolar de Surdos: Uma análise de livros de alfabetização. In: Anais do IX Congresso Nacional de Educação – EDUCERE. Curitiba: Champagnat, 2009, p.1-13
MORGADO, Marta. Materiais Bilíngues. Simpósio, In:Anais do Congresso : a educação de surdos em países de Língua Portuguesa / [XII Congresso Internacional do INES e XVIII Seminário Nacional do INES]. – Rio de Janeiro: INES