Introduction to Electromagnetic Systems

Base Knowledge

Mathematics: Vector Calculus, Integral and Differential Calculus.

Physics: kinematics, particle and rigid body dynamics, work and energy.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical exposition of contents on  theoretical classes, including brief historical reviews and many examples of application. Students will be invited to participate in classes, exposing their suggestions and doubts, discussing the issues with colleagues and the teacher.

In the theoretical-practical classes, exercises will be solved, applying subjects taught in the theoretical classes. Critical analysis and discussion of the results obtained will be encouraged. In each class, other exercises for home application will be proposed.

In laboratory classes, students carry out practical work in small groups. Carrying out experimental work confers various skills to the student, namely autonomous acquisition of knowledge in the preparation of the work; use of computer tools for data acquisition and analysis; handling materials and measuring instruments; data interpretation (including statistical analysis and error analysis); personal and interpersonal skills of relationship with group colleagues and with the teacher, namely in the critical discussion of results.

Learning Results

General objectives

The student must assimilate the contents presented in theoretical classes, identify them in examples and apply them in the resolution of theoretical-practical exercises, justifying the results.
Carrying out experimental work confers various skills on the student: autonomous acquisition of knowledge in work preparing; use of computer tools for data acquisition and analysis; handling materials and measuring instruments; data interpretation (including statistical analysis and error analysis); personal and interpersonal skills of relationship with group colleagues and with the teacher, namely in the critical discussion of results.
The communication of science, in oral and written form, is exercised throughout the classes.


Module I

Acquisition of skills related to the understanding of Nature in the field of electromagnetic phenomena, with an emphasis on the most technologically important concepts.


Module II

Three-phase analysis. Study the steady state operation of transformers and direct current rotating machines. At the end of the semester, students should know how to describe the constitution and operating principle of transformers and DC machines, indicate their fields of application and perform calculations associated with their permanent operation.



Module I

Vector Analysis Review.

Electromagnetic phenomena and technical applications.

Introduction to electromagnetism. Charges. Currents. Fields.

Electrical induction in conductor systems. Capacitors.

Electric current. Ohm’s Law.

Generation of magnetic field. Magnets and electromagnets.

Electromagnetic behavior of materials.

Magnetic forces. DC Motor. Induction motor.

Magnetic induction. Ideal transformer.

Electromagnetic radiation.


Practical work on two of the following topics:

– Magnetic forces between fields and currents.

– Magnetic induction.

– Electrostatics

– Thomson Tube


Module II

1. Three-Phase Circuits

Three-phase voltage system. Basic forms of three-phase circuits. Phase and line values. Relations between voltages and currents in three-phase systems. Active, reactive and apparent power. Balanced and unbalanced systems.

2. Single-phase transformer

Constitution. Working principle. Working equations. Equivalent circuit of real transformer. Definition of characteristic quantities in nominal regime. Determination of voltage drops and external characteristics. Losses and income. Economic trials. Grouping in parallel.

3. Three-phase transformer

Three-phase bench and three-phase unit. Three-phase transformer core. Types of three-phase transformer, regarding the connection of the windings. Transformer operation in symmetrical regime. Grouping in parallel.

4. Introduction to direct current rotary machines

Principles of electromechanical energy conversion. Energy balance. Constitution. Working principle. Aspects of the electrical circuit and the magnetic circuit. Powers, torques and yields. Energetic analysis of engines. Operating characteristics. Performance analysis on a permanent basis. Reversing the direction of travel. Start up. Energy recovery. Speed ​​regulation. Applications of direct current motors.


Practical work on:

o Single-phase and three-phase transformers.

o Direct current machines.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Module I

Halliday, D, Resnick, R e Krane, S. (1992). Physics (4th edition). John Wiley. (cota Biblioteca:  5-1-84/85 (ISEC))

Vuille, C. (2009). College physics (8th edition). Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, cop (cota Biblioteca: 5-1-198 (ISEC) – 15014)

Hammond P. (1997). Electromagnetism for engineers (4th edition). Oxford Univesity Press. (cota Biblioteca: 1-3-222 (ISEC) – 09240)


Module II

Nasar, S. (2014). Electric machines and power systems. New Delhi : McGraw Hill Education (cota Biblioteca: 1-4-220 (ISEC) – 18694)
Chapman, S. (2012). Electric machinery fundamentals. New York : McGraw-Hill Education (Cota Biblioteca: 1-4-227 (ISEC) – 18832. – Existem ex. de outras ed.)