Introduction to Environmental Health

Base Knowledge

Knowledge compatible with the profile of a candidate for a degree in environmental health.

Teaching Methodologies

An active methodology will be used, placing the student at the center of the learning process.

STEAM methodology – working in an interdisciplinary way so that all concepts make sense, developing the student’s skills and competences.

Therefore, practical work, individual and team projects, seminars and study visits in the work environment are valued.

Whenever possible, participation/organization in activities/events framed in the themes of the Curricular Unit will be promoted.

Learning Results


  • Raise awareness and promote the acquisition of knowledge about the scope and importance of the intervention of the Environmental Health Technician, in nowadays and in the future.
  • Facilitate identification with the profession of Environmental Health Technician, through the analysis of its history and understanding of the contexts and conditions of action.


  •      Proactivity
  •      Effective communication
  •      Autonomy
  •      Ability to work in a team
  •      Integrity
  •      Respect for ethical principles
  •      Cultivating a healthy relationship with the people you interact with
  •      Adaptability

Skills to Develop:

  • To envisage the performance of identification activities, characterization of risk factors for health originated in the environment, aiming to participate in the planning of Environmental Health actions, with the objective of preventing disease and promoting health.
  • Provide for health control and surveillance actions of systems, structures and activities with interaction in the environment, fundamentally in the areas that are consigned within the scope of the work of Environmental Health Technicians.
  • Understand the relationships between human health and the environment in a health, political, economic and cultural context.


Introduction to the Study of Environmental Health

– Environmental Health as an area of ​​Public Health

– Public Health and Environment

– Environmental Health and the new challenges

– Basic notions of environmental and professional law
• Basic sanitary protection and the fight against means and agents of disease transmission, which includes sanitary surveillance of water and waste systems and actions aimed at food hygiene;

 • Specific health protection against risk factors linked to manufacturing, which includes health surveillance of the release of pollutants, actions aimed at identifying, evaluating and reducing risk factors for health resulting from environmental pollution;

 • Habitat Hygiene and the promotion of human and rural health, health opinions regarding the licensing of establishments, the location of projects for spaces for collective use and cemeteries, sanitary surveillance of establishments and spaces for collective use, industrial and agricultural establishments. livestock and the fight against means and agents of disease transmission;

 • Hygiene of foodstuffs and establishments of the consumption protection system, which includes health opinions on projects for establishments for the production and sale of foodstuffs, as well as the promotion of control actions for these types of food;

 • Occupational Health, surveillance and control of the environment and safety of workplaces;

 • School Health, promotion and maintenance of hygiene and safety in school establishments;

 • Health education, promotion of primary environmental protection and education for the health of populations.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography


PORTUGAL. Direcção-Geral da Saúde – A saúde dos portugueses : 1997. 2ª ed. Lisboa : D. G. S., 1997. 179 p. a 2 colns. ISBN 972-9425-54-X


STRAKOVÁ, Jitka ; DIGANGI, Joseph ; JENSEN, Génon K. – Toxic loophole : recycling hazardous waste into new products. [Prague] : Arnika, 2018. 36 p.. ISBN 978-80-87651-45-2


PEÑA CASTIÑEIRA, Francisco J. – Manual de saúde ambiental. Santiago de Compostela : Edicións Lea, D. L. 1997. 180 p.. ISBN 84-89947-10-4


; FRUMKIN, Howard, ed. lit. – Environmental health : from global to local. 2nd ed. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, cop. 2010. lvii, 1221 p. . ISBN 978-0-470-40487-4


Clean air for health : briefing june 2018. Brussels : EPHA, 2018. [2], 28 p.


LIPPMANN, Morton ; COHEN, Beverly S. ; SCHLESINGER, Richard B. – Environmental health science : recognition, evaluation, and control of chemical and physical health hazards. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. xv, 540 p. ISBN 978-0-19-508374-3


FRIIS, Robert H. – Essentials of environmental health. 2nd ed. Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. 442 p. ISBN 978-0-7637-7890-3


MAXWELL, Nancy Irwin – Understanding environmental health : how we live in the world. 2nd ed. Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. IX, 405 p. ISBN 978-1-4496-4770-4


CHIRAS, Daniel D. – Environmental science. 9th ed. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, cop. 2013. xxiv, 637, I-30, C-2. ISBN 978-1-4496-4531-1


; GURJAR, Bhola R. ;  ; MOLINA, Luisa T. ;  ; OJHA, Chandra S. P. ;  ; MOLINA, Mario J., ed. lit. – Air pollution : health and environmental impacts. [1st ed.]. Boca Raton, FL ; London ; New York, etc. : CRC Press, cop. 2010. xxiii, 532 p.. ISBN 978-1-4398-0962-4


YASSI , Annalee [et al.] – Basic environmental health. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. xi, 441 p. ISBN 978-0-19-513558-9



Chivian E. and Bernstein A. (Eds.) 2008. Sustaining Life: How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity. Oxford University


Conti M.E. (Ed.) 2008. Biological Monitoring: Theory and Applications—Bioindicators and Biomarkers for Environmental Quality and Human Exposure Assessment. Boston:WIT Press.

Osvaldo E.S., Meyerson L.A. and Parmesan C. (Eds.) 2009. Biodiversity change and human health. Island

Jørgensen,S.E. Xu L. and Costanza R. 2010. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health, Second Edition


Foottit R.G. and Adler P.H. (Eds.) 2009. Insect Biodiversity: Science and Society. United Kingdom: Wiley – Blackwell


Wheater C.P., Bell J.R. and Cook P. A.. 2011. Practical Field Ecology: A Project Guide. Wiley – Blackwell


Lindenmayer D., Barton P. and Pierson J. (Eds.) 2015. Indicators and Surrogates of Biodiversity and Environmental Change. CSIRO Publishing:



Legislação no âmbito dos temas da Unidade Curricular


Secondary Bibliography

Cuidados de Saúde e Ambiente, Uma verdade incómoda, de João Queiroz e Melo, editor: Principia, janeiro de 2023

Saúde, Trabalho E Ambiente: Um Olhar Interprofissional Para A Saúde De Populações Rurais, de Monica Cattafesta, Glenda Blaser Petarli e Luciane Bresciani Salaroli, editor: Editora Appris, junho de 2021

Ambiente, Higiene Alimentar E Saúde. de Cristina Carapeto, editor: Escrytos|Ed. Autor, fevereiro de 2015,

Saúde, Segurança Do Trabalho E Meio Ambiente, de Marcos Alberto de Oliveira2, editor: Editora Senac São Paulo, dezembro de 2022

Sms: Apontamentos Sobre Saúde, Meio Ambiente E Segurança Do Trabalho, de José Luiz Teixeira Da Silva, editor: Editora Appris, junho de 2018

Interface Saúde E Meio Ambiente, de Elzenir Pereira De Oliveira Almeida e Milena Nunes Alves De Sousa, editor: Editora Appris, setembro de 2020

Interface Saúde E Meio Ambiente, de Elzenir Pereira De Oliveira Almeida e Milena Nunes Alves De Sousa, editor: Editora Appris, setembro de 2020 

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Hui T, Chua H, Chang L (2016). Follow me and like my beautiful selfies: Singapore teenage girls’ engagement in self-presentation and peer comparison on social media. Comput Human Behav 55: 190–7. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.09.011

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Marcon AR, Bieber M, Azad MB (2019). Protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding on Instagram. Matern Child Nutr. 15(1) e12658. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12658

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Comber, A.J., Brunsdon, C., Radburn, R., 2011. A spatial analysis of variations in health access: Linking geography, socio-economic status and access perceptions. Int. J. Health Geogr. 10, 1–11. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-10-44

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