Introduction to Forest Systems

Base Knowledge

Nothing to point

Teaching Methodologies

The course is organised in theoretical-practical classes which correspond in a first part to a theoretical exposition and in a second part to practical application exercises, whether they are field classes, discussion or presentation of themes.

Learning Results

As  learning outcomes students will be able to:

1) Recognize the basic components of forests;

2) know the main forest resources and the diversity of uses that society gives to them

3) Identify relevant issues in the various fields of forest sciences and natural resources, recognizing the context in which they arise and develop and the professional knowledge needed to address them.


Introduction to the study of forest resources

Historical evolution of the use and management of natural resources.

The forests in the world, and in the European continent

The forests in continental Portugal

The tree growth and forest dynamics

The silvicultural systems

Forest operations

Functions of the forest and goods and services provided by forest ecosystems

Climate change and forest disturbances

Institutional framework and the management of forest resources

Issues at stake regarding natural resources management


Curricular Unit Teachers




Autoridade Florestal Nacional. (2009). Instruções para o Trabalho de Campo do Inventário Florestal Nacional – IFN 2005/2006. AFN, Lisboa.

Direcção-Geral das Florestas. (2001). Inventário Florestal Nacional, Portugal Continental, 3ª Revisão. Ministério da Agricultura. Editideias.

Kangas A & Maltamo M. (2006). Forest Inventory – Methoodology and Applications. Springer.

Grebner, D. L., Bettinger, P., Siry, J. P., & Boston, K. (2021). Introduction to forestry and natural resources. Academic press. 429pp.

Monteiro A.A., Pereira S.J. & A.V. Correia. (2012). Silvicultura. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R., Fish, R., & Turner, R. K. (Eds.). (2016). Routledge handbook of ecosystem services. Routledge.

Smith M. (2018). The practice of silviculture. John Wiley & Sons.

Thomas P.A., Packman J.R 2007. Ecology of woodlands and forests: Description, Dynamics and Diversity. Cambridge University Press, 543. pp

Van Laar A & Akça A. (2007). Forest Mensuration. Springer.

Young A. R. e Giese L. R. 2003 Introduction to Forest Ecosystem Science and Management. 3ª edição. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-33145-7. 589p

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