Introduction to Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy

Base Knowledge

Informação não definida

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical classes are aimed at the detailed presentation of the contents. It uses an expository-active methodology, appealing to the active participation of students in the teaching learning process, being the assessment continuous and writing.

The teaching practice emphasizes observation and interaction in care spaces, privileging the observational assessment and the establishment of a single portfolio.

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:
•Fundamental characteristics of the profession as health care professional;
•The historical approach of education and profession/exercise;
•Develop a deep understanding of the contexts in which it operates with a view to the formation of a competent professional, active, conscious and responsible;
•Know the organic health Institutions skills:
•Reflection on the profession nature, its characteristics and performance contexts;
•Identification with their future profession by assuming its history and culture, making it an agent of developmentof their own profession.
competences of:
•Define your profession and organic functioning services where it operates
•Contribute to the development of the profession, initiate and implement management processes and quality
innovation within a multidisciplinary and collaborative context
•Contribute to the assessment, improvement and maintenance of the quality of professional practice.



The precursors of the three professional areas Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy: historical approach;
National Health Service and the National Health System and their articulation
Hospital as specific organism
Services (the different specialties) and its articulation with the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Services;
Hospital Workflow
Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy services: specifics, organization, workflows (patient/professionals);
The professional in the different work contexts: national and international;
Study visits in the work context of public and private services of reference.
Planning, Organisation and Management of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Services.

Curricular Unit Teachers





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Rego, G; Nunes, R. – Prioridades na Saúde. Lisboa, Edições McGraw-Hill, 2002
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Simão, J.V.; Santos, S.M.; Costa, A.A. Ensino superior: uma visão para a próxima década. 2.ed, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2003;
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Múrias, P. – Crónicas de uma Sala de Espera. Lisboa, Difel Editora. 2010;


Faria, Olinda Margarida Paiva – Caracterização das relações interprofissionais entre o técnico de radiologia e o clínico de medicina geral e familiar : o poder e a autonomia profissional actuais do técnico de radiologia : estudo comparativo caracterizador da evolução profissional no contexto das instituições de cuidados de saúde primários a partir da perspectiva específica do Técnico versus perspectiva do Clínico. Coimbra : ESTeSC, 2005. 67 p;

Moreira, Luís Filipe Silva – Formação contínua e desenvolvimento profissional dos técnicos de radiologia como factor crítico de sucesso profissional : estudo comparativo cruzado entre Portugal, Reino Unido e Noruega. Coimbra : ESTeSC, 2002. 89 p;

Web resources used in classes and provided to students