Introduction to Pharmacy

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

M1: Students organize the learning process to value collaborative work. Based on bibliographic and recommended support, they integrate knowledge and skills.
M2. Learning, centered on the student, results from the exposure of theoretical contents, the analysis and discussion of practical cases, to consolidate knowledge.
M3. Students will be encouraged to work in groups. The theoretical-practical matrix is action-oriented, where the student is challenged to think and understand problem solving in a real context.

Learning Results

O1 – Understand the evolution of the history of pharmacy and know the process of development of the profession of Pharmacy Technician and its education and training.

O2 – Identify the framework of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Technician in the context of health systems and the NHS.

O3 – Recognize the ethical and deontological guidelines in relation to patients, co-workers, the organization itself and the external public.

O4 – Understand the professional practice of pharmacy in the global context of healthcare.

O5 – Provide observation of experiences in a real work context to recognize the professional identity of the Pharmacy Technician.

O6- Recognize the ethical and deontological requirements associated with the professional activity of the Pharmacy Technician and integrated into multidisciplinary work teams.

O7 – Adopt an attitude of autonomy and responsibility in the acquisition of specific knowledge in the field of pharmacy.


1.    Introduction to Pharmacy
1.1.    History of Pharmacy – From Antiquity to actuality
1.2.    Medicines life cycle
1.3.    Definitions and technical terminology on drugs and pharmacy
1.4.    Regulatory Authorities for Medicines and Health Products
1.5.    The legal regime of medicinal products for human use in Portugal
2. Exercise and professional skills
2.1. History of teaching and profession
2.2. Evolution of the profile of technical and scientific skills of graduates in pharmacy / Pharmacy Technician
2.3. Professional Practice – current intervention areas and future perspectives
2.4. Professional identity
3. Organization and professional legislation
3.1. Professional legislation
3.2. Professional regulatory bodies
3.3. The profession in the context of different healthcare professions
3.4. Profession in the European level
4. Ethics, bioethics and professional deontology
4.1. Specific duties and responsibilities of pharmacy professionals – Deontological Code
4.2. Good practices in pharmacy

Curricular Unit Teachers





PITA, JR – História da Farmácia, 3ª ed, Coimbra. Minerva, 2007
Estatuto do Medicamento – Decreto-Lei n.º 176/2006, de 30 de agosto.
Dec. Lei 261/93 de 24 de julho
Dec. Lei 320/99 de 11 de agosto
Decreto-Lei n.º 111/2017 de 31 de agosto
Decreto-Lei n.º 25/2019 de 11 de fevereiro
Lei n.º 34/2021 de 8 de junho


Ministério da Saúde –  
Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, IP
Direcção Geral de Saúde –
Infarmed –
EMA –