Laboratório de Análise Instrumental

Base Knowledge

Not defined.

Teaching Methodologies


Laboratory (PL) classes to carry out several experimental works by students in small groups. During the laboratory classes students are confronted with relevant questions, allowing to assess their previous preparation to carry out the experimental work. This method also allows enhancing the understanding of the knowledge acquired by the students. After the conclusion of each work, an oral discussion is performed in which the theoretical concepts involved, and the obtained results, are discussed. Further, the written reports are evaluated.

Learning Results

With this curricular unit it is intended that students: i) develop the ability to work in a group with responsibility and safety, realizing the risks involved in different laboratory practices; ii) They acquired experience in analytical (absorption) spectrometry and analytical chromatography, including the adoption of the method of identification and quantification of the sample components, the preparation and measurement of the sample with the appropriate equipment and familiarization with the equipment used; iii) know and are able to operate the most widely used equipment in the analytical chemistry laboratory; iv) are able report the work (both orally and in written form) and discuss and analyze the experimental results.



The syllabus consists of experimental work in groups of two students. The experimental work includes the execution of experiments, preparation of the written report, and analysis and discussion of experimental results.

Experimental work to be carried out:

1. Spectrophotometric determination of sodium nitrite in processed meats (cold meats).

2. Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of acetylsalicylic acid and ascorbic acid in a pharmaceutical product.

3. Caffeine extraction and dosage in energy drinks

4. Spectrofluorimetric determination of quinine in tonic water.

5. Detection of dioctylphthalate (DOP) in cling film by Vibrational Absorption Spectroscopy (FT-MIR)

6. Determination of glycerol, D(-)-fructose and D(+)-glucose in red table wines by HPLC-RI.

7. Determination of ethanol in red table wines by GLC with packed column and detection by FID.


Curricular Unit Teachers




– Lab handouts provided by the academic staff responsible for developing the laboratory experiment.
– Danzer, K. (2007). Analytical Chemistry: Theoretical and Metrological Fundamentals. Sprinder, New York.
– Currell, G. (2000). Analytical Instrumentation: Performance characteristics and quality. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, England.