Laboratory of Biological Technologies

Base Knowledge

Basic notions of enzyme kinetics and food technology

Teaching Methodologies

Laboratory classes where the various practical assignments are carried out by group. In the laboratory classes, students are confronted with questions to evaluate their preparedness to carry out the work and increase knowledge acquisition. During this course unit, oral discussions of the theoretical concepts, obtained results and work reports will be carried out. At the end of the course unit an oral presentation and discussion will be performed. 

Learning Results

The objectives of the course are to introduce the student to the field of Biological and Enzymatic Technology, with special emphasis on biological and enzymatic industrial transformation, enzymatic kinetics, methods of immobilization of biocatalysts and application in reactors. It is intended that the student acquires the following skills: i) to recognize the main industrial enzymatic and biological processes; ii) experimentally determine the kinetic parameters of the Michaelis-Menten model for free and immobilized enzymes; iii) experimentally determine the kinetic parameters of the Arhenius model for temperature dependence; iv) experimentally determine the parameters of empirical models for continuous reactors with immobilized enzymes; v) operate biological and enzymatic processes of industrial production; vi) organize and manage group work and vii) report the performed work, discuss and analyze the experimental results.


The program content consists of the consolidation of theoretical bases regarding enzymatic and biological technologies, lectured throughout the course, and carrying out experimental group work. The experimental work includes carrying out the laboratorial work, the preparation of the written report, and the analysis and discussion of the results.

The experimental works to be carried out include: i) Biological and enzymatic industrial transformations (enzymatic and fermentative processes); ii) Enzymatic kinetics and temperature dependence; iii) Immobilization of biocatalysts and application in continuous reactors.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação continua
  • - A classificação final é dada pela fórmula: 0,35xRelatórios +0,30x(Discussão oral) +0,15xDesempenho +0,20x(Apresentação oral) - 100.0%




1. Cabral, J.M.S., Aires-Barros, M.R., Gama, M., Engenharia Enzimática, Lidel, Lisboa, 2003.
2. Fonseca, M.M., Teixeira, J.A., Reactores biológicos: fundamentos e aplicações, Lidel, Lisboa, 2007.
3. Lima, N, Mota, M., Biotecnologia: Fundamentos e aplicações, Lidel, Lisboa, 2003.
4. Thieman, EW.J., Palladino, M.A. Introduction to biotechnology. São Francisco: Pearson International, 2009.
5. Hartmeier, W., Immobilized biocatalysts: an introduction, Springer-Verlag, 1988.
6. Rehm, H. J., Reed, G., «Enzyme Technology» in Biotechnology, VCH, 1987.
7. Messing, R. A., Immobilized enzymes for industrial reactors, Academic Press, 1976.
8. Bon, E.P.S., Ferrara, M.A., Corvo, M.L., Enzimas em Biotecnologia: Produção, Aplicações e Mercado, Editora Interciência Lda., Brasil, 2008.
9. Amaral, A.L., Experimental protocols, ISEC, Coimbra, 2023.