Leadership, Motivation and Team Management

Base Knowledge

not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching of the curricular unit has an eminently theoretical-practical character. Alongside the presentation and analysis of theoretical concepts and approaches, the method will focus on active methodologies of behavioral self-diagnosis, analysis of practical methodologies and case simulation.

Learning Results



Knowledge and organizational practices acquisition that provide a thorough understanding of the current organizational relevance of developing and leading high-performance teams. Alongside the theoretical approaches and models, it is intended that students know behaviors, methodologies and instruments that, in an organizational context, allow them to fully participate in the implementation, management and leadership of work teams. Thus, in this way, contributing to value creation and employees individual achievement.


 Skills to be developed:

– Understand the growing organizational relevance of developing leadership skills;

– Understand the organizational contribution of high performance teams;

– Know the perspectives and approaches of the “new leadership”;

– Interpret effective practices for work teams dynamization;

– Apply best practices of employee involvement and participation.

 – Adopt effective behaviors and methodologies for communication and task planning.




1.1. Emergência das competências de liderança e gestão de equipas.

1.2. Impacto da cultura e clima organizacional nos comportamentos das pessoas e equipas.


  2.  Liderança

2.1. Managerial and leadership effectiveness – Gestão e Liderança.

2.2. Perspetivas e abordagens recentes de liderança – New Leadership.

2.3. O pipeline de liderança nas organizações.

2.3. O dark side da liderança: causas e consequências.

2.4. Autodiagnósticos comportamentais.


 3. Motivação e gestão de equipas

3.1. Ciclo motivacional e envolvimento e participação dos colaboradores.

3.2. Boas práticas de gestão e dinamização de equipas de elevada performance:

3.2.1. Negociação de objetivos e o processo de delegação;

3.2.2. O empowerment de pessoas e equipas;

3.3.3. Planificação do tempo e eficácia  comunicacional;

3.3.4.  Autodiagnósticos comportamentais.

Curricular Unit Teachers





 Bass, B.M. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research and managerial applications (4th Ed.).N.Y: Free Press.

 Fortes de Costa, R. (2023). Empowerment leadership: Equipas de excelência. Coimbra: Editora D’Ideias.

 Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th Ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

 Pina e Cunha, M., Cunha, R.C., Rego, A., Neves, P. & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2016). Manual de comportamento organizacional   e  gestão (8ª Ed.). Lisboa: Editora RH.

 Rego, A. & Pina e Cunha, M. (2013). Liderança positiva. Lisboa: Edições Silabo.

 Robbins, S.P & Judge, T.A. (2017). Organizational behavior (17th Ed). Essex: Pearson.


Texts and articles to be made available at Nonio – Inforestudante.