Livestock and Agriculture Production

Base Knowledge

Is only recommended the knowledge that allowed the student access to higher education.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the student skills, the teaching-learning process is based on:

1.  Theoretical and practical classes in which the teacher transmits theoretical concepts, followed by practical demonstration;

2. The observation of the main productions in different stages;

3. The analysis of papers that relate genetics, soil, climate and management with the quality of different vegetable or animal products;

4. The observation or practical work in the farm (study visits to the ESAC farm or others) video observations and power point demonstrations.

5. Bibliographic research and presentation of reports on the contents of the Unit.

Learning Results

The aim of this curricular unit is to promote the competences identified below. As a result of the learning process the student:
1. Knows the main crops used in the agro-food industry
2. Understands the influences of factors like soil, climate and agronomic practices, on product quality;
3. Knows the general anatomy and physiology of domestic animals and identifies the animal breeds used in different milk, meat and egg production systems.
4. Understands the influence of good production practices on the quality of animal products.  



 1 – Plant Production

1.1. Effect of edaphoclimatic conditions and agronomic management on quantity and quality of plant production;

1.2. Main crops and plants used in the agro-food industry

2 – Animal Production

2.1 General anatomy and physiology of domestic animals
2.2 Main animal production systems and mode of production in Portugal
2.3 Animal breeds used in different milk and meat production systems 
2.4 Quality labels  associated with national animal production systems


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Módulo 1 - preparação e discussão de artigos - 15.0%
  • - Módulo 1 - teste escrito - 35.0%
  • - Módulo 2 - teste escrito (40) e um trabalho prático sobre um produto com selo qualidade (10) - 50.0%




AGUSTI, M. (2004) Fruticultura. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, 2004.

ALMEIDA, D. (2006) Manual de Culturas Hortícolas. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2006.

CARAVACA RODRÍGUEZ, F P (2003) Bases de la producción animal. 4ª Edicão, reimpressão 2020, Colección: MANUALES UNIVERSITARIOS ISBN: 978-84-472-0764-0

DGAV (2012) – Raças Autóctones Portuguesas. MADRP. -GPP 2012

GIL INFANTE J. (2000) – Manual de Inspecção Sanitária de Carnes. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2ª edição, 2000.

GUERRERO, A. (1999) Cultivos Herbáceos Extensivos. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.

URBANO TÉRRON, P. (2002) Fitotecnia. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, 2002.