Base Knowledge
Management, mathematics, engineering
Teaching Methodologies
The development of the theoretical component is carried out using the expository method, using participatory exposure strategies, case studies, practical examples, solving individual or group exercises. To complement this U.C. seminars will be organized with guest speakers, in particular, on entrepreneurship. This U.C is approached together with the U.C Project in Environmental Management, allowing the student to develop the production process part of the business plan.
The group preparation of a business plan in the area of the environment business is the practical part forcing the student to apply the knowledge acquired in a case that can be carried out and with which can participate and are encouraged to do so in the different competitions of development of ideas and business, opened throughout the year by various public and private institutions.
Learning Results
This UC seeks to introduce the terminology and general principles of Business Management, providing the future senior technicians with basic skills in the field of Management and creating the foundation for the student to bet on self-training throughout his professional life. This UC deals with Management techniques as an instrument of decision-making in its various aspects: human, financial and commercial (marketing) management. It also seeks to stimulate the creation of entrepreneurial skills and innovative spirit, both in business environment and in other organizational contexts
Companies. Organizational Structures. Organizational behavior.
Commercial Management: Strategic Marketing, Marketing Mix and the importance of market studies.
Financial Resources Management: financial function and financial analysis, financial analysis base documents, analysis methods and techniques – the ratios method, analysis of financial balance and profitability.
Entrepreneurship: business ideas and opportunities, funding sources, formalities for setting up businesses, business plan and investment appraisal criteria.
Grading Methods
- - Avaliação 1: teste escrito - 50.0%
- - Avaliação 2: Plano de negócios, trabalho escrito, apresentação e defesa - 50.0%
- - Avaliação 1: teste escrito - 50.0%
- - Avaliação 2: Plano de negócios, trabalho escrito, apresentação e defesa - 50.0%
SOTOMAYOR, A., RODRIGUES, J., DUARTE, M., (2014), Principios de Gestão das Organizações, Rei dos Livros, 2 ED.
BERNARDI, L. (2003) Manual de Empreendorismo e Gestão: Fundamentos, Estratégias e Dinâmica. Editora Atlas, 2003.
ABECASSIS, FERNANDO, CABRAL (1991), Análise Económica e Financeira de Projectos. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 3ª ed., 1991.
SOUSA, A (1990). Introdução à Gestão. Lisboa: Editora Verbo, 1990.
LINDON, D.; LENDREVIE, J., LEVY, J., DIONISIO, P. RODRIGUES, J (2001), Mercator XXI: teoria e prática do marketing, Gestão e Inovação, 2011
NASH, L. (2001), Ética nas Empresas, Makron Books.
SOTOMAYOR, A., RODRIGUES, J., DUARTE, M., (2014), Princípios de Gestão das Organizações, Reidos Livros, 2 ED.
NEVES, J. C. (2007) Análise Financeira: Técnicas Fundamentais. Edição actualizada Texto Editora,.
MARTINS, A. (2004)Introdução à análise financeira de empresas. Porto: Vida Económica, 2ª ed., 2004.
BARROS, C., (1994), Gestão de Projectos, Ed. Silabo.
KOTLER, P., KARTAJAYA, H., SETIWAN, I., (2011), Marketing 3.0; Do produto e do consumidor até ao espírito humano. Actual Editora, 2011