Management of Natural Areas

Teaching Methodologies

To achieve the objectives of the course, the process of teaching and learning is based on the following teaching methodologies:
– The methodological approach to the study of several natural areas inherent to its management or recovery, which are based on criteria that support the taken and implementation of decisions that respects the principles of sustainable management and aspects related to the protection of nature and biodiversity;
– The acquisition of knowledge about: (1) the analysis of natural habitats and identify their constraints, (2) the identification of actions to be implemented, depending on the objectives and characteristics of the physical environment, (3) the establishment of a program and schedule of management actions to be undertaken;
– In carrying out practical work in the area of ESAC and their habitats.

Learning Results

This Curricular Unit aims to enable the student knowledge about:
– The concepts and specifications regarding natural area and protected area;
– The types of natural areas, its ecology, its planning and the management of their resources;
– Principles related to the sustainable management of resources, the limitations imposed by the fact that the areas to be managed are classified as natural or protected, and their economic  implications.


To achieve the objectives of the course and to confer the tasks referred to students, the teaching-learning process is based on the following contents:
– The specificity of the natural areas and their management.
– Natural ecosystems in Portugal: wetlands, Coastal Dunes, Mountain Ecosystems, Forest ecosystems and other natural habitats in Portugal.
– The specificity and constraints of forestry in protected areas and other natural areas.
– Protected areas of Portugal, the Natura 2000, priority habitats and species, and relations with hunting activity in Portugal.

Grading Methods

  • - Test theoretical / practice evaluation (Module 1) - 50.0%
  • - Test theoretical / practice evaluation (Module 2) - 50.0%
Exam Evaluation
  • - Exam - theoretical / practice evaluation - 100.0%




Bookhout, A. (ed.), 1994. Research and management techniques for wildlife and habitats. The Wildlife Society. Bethesda.

Tuxill, J. e Nabhan, G.P., 1998. Plants and Protected areas. A guide to in situ management. Stanley Thornes. Cheltenham.

Hawke, C.J. e José, P.V. 1996. Reedbed Management for commercial and wildlife interests. RSPB. Beds.

Primack, R.B., 1998. Essentials of conservation biology. Sinauer. Sunderland.

Alves, J.M., Espírito-Santo, M.D., Costa, J.C., Gonçalves, J.H, Lousã, M.F. 2009. Habitats Naturais e Seminaturais de Portugal Continental. Tipos de Habitats mais significativos e Agrupamentos Vegetais Característicos. ICNB. Lisboa.

Andrews, J. e Kinsman, D. 1990. Gravel pit restoration for wildlife: a practical manual. RSPB. Bedfordshire.

Hunter M. (ed.) 1999. Maintaining biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 698 pp.

Warren, M.S. e Fuller, R.J. 1993. Woodland rides and glades: their management for wildlife. JNNC. Peterborough.