Management of Noise and Air Pollution

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of environmental pollution.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes in which the theoretical concepts are further applied through exercises and case studies. The exercises call for the development of critical sense in decision making regarding the technologies to apply in order to meet the legal requirements.

Learning Results

 Students should acquire the following skills:

1. Know the main types of atmospheric pollutants and the legislation associated to gaseous effluents;

2. Knows the basic physical principles that result in thermal turbulence and mechanical turbulence of the atmosphere;

3. Apply the Gaussian model of atmospheric pollutants dispersion from the source, determining the concentration of the pollutant at ground level;

4. Know methods for monitoring emissions at the source and concentrations in ambient air and respective legislation;

5. Select between different types of equipment for treatment of gaseous effluents and proceed to simple dimensioning;

6. Know the applicable legislation concerning noise;

7. Apply a model for determining the environmental noise (in roads with car traffic), estimating the reduction that acoustic barriers provide;

8. Know the procedures for the evaluation of the noise nuisance criterion;

9. Know the noise control measures.


1. Management of Gas Effluents:

    1.1 Atmospheric pollutants

    1.2 Classification of atmospheric pollutants sources

    1.3 Legislation on atmospheric emissions and air quality

   1.4 Dispersion models of atmospheric pollutants

   1.5 Treatment of gaseous effluents

   1.6 Methods for monitoring emissions at source

   1.7 Methods for monitoring ambient air concentrations

2. Noise pollution:

   2.1 Behavior of sound waves

   2.2 Sound properties and acoustics

   2.3 Power, intensity and sound pressure

   2.4 Characterization of noise

   2.5 Noise effects on human health

   2.6 Noise classification systems

   2.7 Noise Control

   2.8 Noise Legislation

   2.9 Noise maps and municipal plans applied to noise

   2.10 Methods for assessment and mitigation of road noise

   2.11 Evaluation of the annoyance criterion

Curricular Unit Teachers




DAVIS Mackenzie L.; CORNWELL David A. – Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill International Edition, 4th ed, 2008

BIES David A.; HANSEN Colin H. – Engineering noise control: theory and practice. 3nd ed. London: Spon Press, 2003

SANTOS, J.A. – Poluição Sonora: Novo Regime Legal. Edição Dislivro, 2003.

BOUBEL Richard W. – Fundamentals of air pollution. 3rd ed. San Diego, California: Academic Press, 1994

ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS’S HANDBOOK Environmental engineers’s handbook / ed. by David H. F. Liu, Béla G. Lipták. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 1997

GOMES João – Poluição atmosférica: um manual universitário. 2ª ed. Porto: Publindústria, Ed. Técnicas, 2010

HANDBOOK OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL MODELING Handbook of environmental and ecological modeling / ed. by S. E. Jorgensen, B. Halling-Sorensen, S. N. Nielsen. Boca Raton: Lewis, 1995

KOTZEN Benz; ENGLISH Colin – Environmental noise barriers: a guide to their acoustic and visual design. London: E & FN Spon, 1999

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