Marketing Planning and Control

Base Knowledge

Principles of Marketing.

Teaching Methodologies

Formal exposure classes of the different syllabus contents, which will be illustrated through concrete examples of the business reality. To make the exhibitions more appealing, different audiovisual means will be used. It is also expected that students will carry out and present their work orally.

Learning Results

Give students knowledge about the activity of planning and marketing control in a company. Develop in students the skills needed to develop a marketing plan.


1. Planning and Marketing Plan

2. Analysis of different Marketing Plan models: the model of Philip Kotler, John Westwood, and Malcolm McDonald

3. Structure of the Marketing Plan

3.1. Executive Summary

3.2. Analysis of the current marketing situation

3.3. Marketing Diagnosis (SWOT): Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

3.4. Establishment of marketing objectives and goals

3.5. Marketing strategies

3.5.1. Market segmentation

3.5.2. Target market (Targeting)

3.5.3. Offer Positioning

3.6. Marketing-Mix

3.6.1. Product

3.6.2. Price

3.6.3. Distribution (channels and physical distribution)

3.6.4. Promotion (Advertising, Public Relations, Personal Sales, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Merchandising, and Sponsorship and Patronage)

3.7. Action plan

3.8. Budget

3.9. Evaluation and Control

3.10. Writing of the Marketing Plan document

Curricular Unit Teachers




Kotler, Philip e Armstrong, Gary (2015), Princípios de Marketing, Pearson-Prentice Hall.

McDonald, Malcolm e Wilson, Hugh (2011), Planos de Marketing – Planejamento e Gestão Estratégica, Editora Campus, Elsevier.

Nunes, João Coelho e Cavique, Luís (2008), Plano de Marketing – Estratégia em Acção, Publicações Dom Quixote.

Torres, Hugo (2011), PME – Plano de Marketing Empresarial, Edições Afrontamento.

Westwood, John (1999), Como Redigir um Plano de Marketing, Europa-América.

Westwood, John (2005), Marketing Plan Workbook, Kogan Page LTD.

Wood, Marion Burk (2008), The Marketing Plan Handbook, Pearson-Prentice Hall.