Base Knowledge
Basic knowledge in Economics
Teaching Methodologies
To achieve the objectives of the course unit and the acquisition of the expected competencies by the students, the teaching-learning process is based on the articulation of several methodologies: 1. oral presentation; 2. resolution of practical applications (exercises; text analysis; case studies); 3. research activities oriented by the teacher.
Learning Results
The students that successfully complete this curricular unit will:
1- Know the particularities of agricultural product markets
2- Understand the mechanisms of agricultural price formation
3 – Understand the role of different actors in the food sector in Portugal
4 – Know the objectives and main instruments of agricultural policies
5 – Understand the historical evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy and its main instruments
6 – Use statistical data and other national and international documentary sources to prepare reports on specific topics related to agriculture
1. Food markets
1.1. Characteristics of Supply and Demand in food markets
1.2. Short-term and long-term agricultural price instability
1.3 Market imperfections
1.4. Trade margins and vertical coordination
1.5. Horizontal coordination and the role of farmers’ organizations
1.6. Small-scale farming and local markets
1.7. Certification of agrifood products.
1.8. Consumer preferences evolution regarding food
2. Agricultural Policies
2.1. Objectives and instruments
2.2. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
2.3. Agricultural Policies in different parts of the world
Curricular Unit Teachers
Breidert, C., Hahsler, M., & Reutterer, T. (2006). A review of methods for measuring willingness-to-pay. Innovative Marketing, 2(4), 8–32.
Comissão Europeia (2012). Política Agrícola Comum: uma parceria entre a Europa e os agricultores. Luxemburgo: Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia.
Cooper, T.; Hart, K., & Baldock, D. (2009). The provision of public goods through agriculture in the European Union. Report Prepared for DG Agriculture and Rural Development. London: Institute for European Environmental Policy.
FAO. (2017). The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges.Rome.
Norwood, F.B., & Lusk, J.L. (2008). Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis. Prentice Hall.
Pinheiro, A., & Carvalho, M. (2003). Economia e política agrícolas. Edições Silabo.