
Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

In the lecture (T) classes the consolidation of the theoretical bases will be carried out by an expository method. Students are encouraged to participate with questions and comments during both lecture and practical classes.

In practical classes the main techniques and methods used in microbiology for the isolation, growth, identification and characterization of microorganisms will be applied. Students will carry out practical experiences and elaborate reports of the laboratory experiments.

Learning Results

The main objective of the curricular unit is to introduce the students to the fundamentals of Microbiology. It is thus intended that the students acquire the following knowledge and skills: i)identify the main techniques for isolation, inoculation and control of microorganisms; ii) identify and characterize the main groups of microorganisms; iii) identify the nutritional requirements and metabolic diversity of microorganisms; iv) interpret the microbial growth kinetics and the factors that influence their growth and control methodologies; v) recognize the importance of microorganisms in the environment and their applications with environmental, industrial and medical relevance.



1. Inoculation, isolation and control of microorganisms

Techniques for the isolation, inoculation and conservation of microorganisms. Fundamentals of microbial control. Physical and chemical control agents (antimicrobials).

2. Nutritional requirements and metabolic diversity of microorganisms

Nutrition and microbial culture. Nutritional requirements and metabolic diversity of microorganisms. Culture media for microorganisms. Main biochemical and physiological tests.

3. Microbial growth.

Substrate dependence and effect of environmental factors. Quantification of the growth of microorganisms. Traditional and fast identification and quantification methods.

4. Diversity of microorganisms

Main groups of microorganisms: prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses.

5. Microorganisms of natural environments.

Soil microbiology. Biogeochemical cycles. Microorganisms contaminating water and food.

6. Microorganisms of biotechnological interest.

Microbiology of food, environmental, industrial and medical areas.


Preparation and sterilization of laboratory material and culture media. Microorganisms in the environment. Inoculation and isolation techniques. Methods for conservation and revival of microorganisms. Metabolic and biochemical characterization of microorganisms. Microorganisms’ identification by API20E tests.

Curricular Unit Teachers




1. Amaral, A.L. (2021). Microbiolgy supporting documents. ISEC (available in InforEstudante).

2. Moura, M.J. (2022). Microbiology protocols. ISEC (available in InforEstudante).

3.  Madigan e Martinko (2006). Brock biology of microorganisms, Pearson Education, Inc., San Francisco. (available at ISEC library: 6-14-9 – 14154)

4.  Montville e Matthews (2008). Food microbiology: an introduction, ASM Press, Washington.

5. Pelczar, M.J., Chang, E.C.S., Krieg, N.R. (1996). Microbiologia: conceitos e aplicações, São Paulo: Makron Books (available at ISEC library: 6-14-13 14170).

6. Willey, Sherwood, Woolverton. (2008). Prescott, Harley and Klein’s Microbiology. Boston: McGraw Hill (available at ISEC library: 6-14-8 13997).

7. Black. G. (2005). Microbiology: principles and explorations. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons (available at ISEC library: 6-14-11 14165).

8. Ferreira, Sousa, Lima. (2010). Microbiologia. Lisboa: Lidel.

9. Cappuccino, J.G., Sherman, N. (1999). Microbiology: a laboratory manual. Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings Science Publishing (available at ISEC library: 6-14-6).