
Base Knowledge

No basic knowledge is required other than the knowledge associated with a student who has successfully completed secondary education

Teaching Methodologies

Classes are theoretical-practical (TP)
In approaching the themes, audiovisual and digital media will be used to present the content
and examples that illustrate them, as well as practical cases and exercises to encourage active participation.
The pedagogical methods used will be:
the expository, the interrogative and the case study, enabling a practical, active approach with interaction
of students in order to facilitate the creation of ideas and confirmation of content
learned, as well as a strong approach to current market contexts

Learning Results

This subject aims at developing the student’s skills regarding mainly the following economic analysis issues:
Identify and understand the basic principles of economics;
Apprehend the fundamental economic concepts and apply economic rationality.
Understand the market operating mechanisms in a perfect competition set
Identify the main causes and effects resulting from changes in supply and demand, within market equilibrium.
Understand and comprehend the main drivers of market’s perfect and imperfect competition
Understand consumer behaviour


0. Introduction
0.1 Course presentation
0.2 The main economic issues
Chapter I – Demand, Supply and Prices
1.1. Demand curve
1.2. Supply curve
1.3. Market equilibrium
Chapter II – Consumer behaviour theory
2.1. Consumer’s rational choice
2.2. Individual and market demand
2.3. Consumer surplus
Chapter III – Firm theory
3.1. Production
3.2. Costs
Chapter IV – Perfect competition
4.1. Profit maximization
4.2. Optimal production level
Chapter V – Imperfect competition
5.1. Market power origins
5.2. Monopoly
5.3. Other forms of imperfect competition

Curricular Unit Teachers





Hal R. Varian (2014),  Intermediate Microeconomics, A Modern Approach, W. W. Norton & Company; 9ª Edição

Hal R. Varian (2010), , Microeconomia Intermédia: Uma Abordagem Moderna , Verlag Dashöfer Portugal; 8ª Edição, 

Jeffrey M. Perloff (2013), Microeconomics with Calculus, Pearson Education; 3ª Edição,

R. H. Frank (2009),, Microeconomics and Behavior, McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 8ª Edição, 

Lobo, F & Andrade, C (2021). Princípios de Microeconomia. Sílabo.

Lobo, F & Andrade, C (2022). Princípios de Microeconomia – exercícios. Sílabo.

Hubbard, R. Glenn e O’Brien, Anthony P. (2015). Microeconomics. 5ª Ed. Pearson Education;