Base Knowledge
The knowledge acquired in the curricular units of Drawing and 3D Modeling Techniques and Mechanics of Continuous Media is recommended.
Teaching Methodologies
In the theoretical component of the curricular unit, the expository method is used to associate with moments of research to be carried out by students during classes. This teaching methodology favours the discussion and exchange of ideas, research, identification and resolution of problems by the students during the course and their presentation.
Following the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, application examples are carried out in laboratory classes. Laboratory equipment and software to support learning are used, with the “hands-on” methodology being implemented, involving examples of use, with the guidance and monitoring of teachers. After acquiring basic knowledge, group work will be assigned, which is intended to deepen and cement skills. Students are encouraged to carry out bibliographical research that allows them to discover and acquire the necessary scientific knowledge within the scope of the work to be developed and substantiate it. Therefore, the course’s theoretical component must be focused on the work to be carried out.
Learning Results
Knowledge of modelling and simulation tools is fundamental in the context of training in biomedical engineering. This curricular unit guarantees students contact with some tools that allow the approach to developing biomechanical support and simulation systems, particularly in biomechanics. The curricular unit comprises a theoretical and a laboratory component, which are interconnected, allowing the manipulation of software and laboratory equipment.
The curricular unit aims to allow students to acquire knowledge and skills in modelling and simulation. It is based on a strong laboratory component, covering how to obtain the geometry of elements of the human anatomical structure from Axial Tomography (CAT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It also involves, in a complementary way, the use of digitalization techniques to generate and optimize the geometry of biomechanical systems.
The course unit also aims to acquire basic knowledge and skills in a user line regarding the use of computer simulation tools in order to define and analyze models for predicting the structural behaviour of biomechanical elements.
Theoretical Component:
A. Joint biomechanics (articular cartilage; tendons, ligaments and muscles): Anatomical considerations; Your recovery; Fracture fixation; Arthroplasties.
Biomechanics of tissues and structures of the musculoskeletal system: Concepts and terminology; Biomechanics of locomotion; Biomechanical models; Qualitative and quantitative analysis; Anthropometry.
B. Reverse Engineering in Biomedicine: From medical image segmentation to 3D model. From 3D scanning to 3D models, reverse engineering tools, and software for reconstructing medical images from axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
C. Computer simulation: Databases of biomedical materials and devices; Selection of Materials for biomedical devices; Classification and fundamental properties.
D. Introduction to computational simulation tools: Commercial software. Concepts associated with finite elements: From the geometric to the finite element model; Adequate definition of a simulation model with finite elements; User precautions.
Laboratory Component:
A free 3D Medical Image Slicer Platform. Examples of use include Axial Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
Obtaining 3D models from a Scanner. Usage examples.
From image segmentation to 3D model. Use of Solidworks software and Geomagic software. Development and implementation of demonstrative examples.
Presentation of the Solidworks Simulation software. Development and implementation of demonstrative examples of the analysis of mechanical components.
Execution of practical work that brings together the concepts learned.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Teixeira-Dias, F., Sousa, R., Valente, R. & Pinho-da-Cruz, J. (2010). Método dos Elementos Finitos – Técnicas de Simulação Numérica em Engenharia. ETEP – Edições Técnicas e Profissionais.
Completo, A., & Fonseca, F. (2019). Fundamentos de Biomecânica: Músculo, Esquelética e Ortopédica. MedicaBook. EAN 78-9898927491
L. Roseiro. (2025). Apontamentos de Modelação e Simulação Biomédica. ISEC.
Software Guides:
Solidworks Manual, V. 2023. (
Geomagic Manual, V. 2022. (
3D Slicer image computing platform, 2024. (
Neto, M. A., Amaro, A., Roseiro, L., Cirne, J. & Leal, R. (2015). Engineering Computation of Structures: The Finite Element Method. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-17709-0.
Hutton, D. V. (2004). Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0072922362