Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The methodological options leading to the fulfillment of the curricular unit’s program will focus on the following pedagogical strategy:
– Theoretical component – oral presentation oriented towards the foreseen contents, resorting whenever possible to multimedia resources.
– Practical component – monitoring and guidance in students’ work.
The assessment in the curricular unit will take place, at the student’s option, in the following modalities:
– Continuous evaluation;
– Exam.
The evaluation in those modalities will obey criteria that will be explained in the statements and/or other elements presented, according to the following components and weights:
Continuous evaluation
– Practical assignments – 100% of the global assessment
– Written test: 30%
– Practical work: 70%
Learning Results
3.1 – Understand the artistic and historical aspects of stained glass and mosaics;
3.2 – Learn the traditional method of mosaic from indirect deposition on paper (reverse paper technique);
3.3‐ Mastering the different methodological stages in the development of a project, in the different stages of implementation, in the domains; theoretical/practical, methodological and evaluation in stained glass and mosaic;
3.4‐ Apply procedures and techniques in the process of developing a project that presupposes a critical exercise in the work methodology;
3.5‐ Being able to critically read visual messages of diverse origin and represent them through artistic processes, choosing the ideal methods for their representation;
3.6‐ Be creative, self-critical and able to base their choices based on aesthetic values;
3.7 – Know the safety rules to be followed when working with glass or mosaic, and know how to configure the workspace.
4.1 – Stained Glass
4.1.1 – Glass and its properties;
4.1.2 – Materials and tools;
4.1.3 – Pre-conception: graphic, semiological and chromatic studies;
4.1.4 – Conception of stained glass using the Tiffany technique (two or three dimensions), or lead gutter (two dimensions);
4.1.5 – Cutting the glass;
4.1.6 – Tin welding, skids and finishes;
4.1.7 – Security and protection.
4.2 – MOSAIC
4.2.1 – The stone and its characteristics;
4.2.2 – Materials and tools;
4.2.3 – Pre-conception: graphic, semiological and chromatic studies;
4.2.4 – Depth with shadow and perspective;
4.2.5 – Cutting the tesserae;
4.2.6 – Glues and cement
4.2.7 – Mounting the tesserae on the plate
4.2.8 – The grout and cleaning of the part;
4.2.9 – Security and protection.
Grading Methods
- - Practical work - 100.0%
- - Practical work - 70.0%
- - Frequency - 30.0%
– Beveridge, P.; Pascual, E. (2005). Mosaico, Editorial Estampa.
– Chavarria, J. (1998). O mosaico, Editorial Estampa.
– Cheek, M. (2011). Mosaic Craft – 20 Original Projects for the Home by Martin Cheek, Livros de pavilhão.
– Knapp, S. (1998). The Art of Glass: Integrating Architecture and Glass, Rockport Publishers.
– Shannon, G.; Torlen, P. (2006). The Stained Glass Garden – Projects & Patterns. Union Square & Co.
– Valldeperez, P. (2000). O vitral. Editorial Estampa.