Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
This unit is organized into theoretical and practical classes in order to facilitate the analysis of concepts and their practical integration in various contexts. Will be promoted moments of analysis and discussion of relevant topics in order to development student’s critical ability. Will be provided contact with institutions of rehabilitation for people with disabilities, conducted through study visits or small stages. The synthesis of knowledge and experience experienced by students should be assembled on a reflective portfolio.
Continuous assessment:
1. Critical report of visits to rehabilitation facilities (20%)
2. Written test (15%)
3. Work done in the classroom: book reviews, adjustments … (20%)
4. Participation in intervention project(s) (30%)
5. Portfolio – overall structure (15%).
Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and oral test (only if the classification 8 or 9 points).
Learning Results
1. Know the specifics of the rehabilitation context in Portugal
2. Know the specifics of the main disabilities
3. Know and use techniques of musical and/or psicomusical intervention on
4. Adapt musical intervention models to specific capabilities of each individual
5. Developing musical projects that facilitate the social inclusion of persons with
1. Rehabilitation
1.1. Historical evolution of rehabilitation in Portugal
1.2. Services for rehabilitation of people with disabilities
1.3. Main types of disability
1.4. Contributions of the ICF.
1.5. Main disabilities
2. Music therapy
2.1. Definition
2.2. Principles and fundamentals
2.3. Applications: Didactics music therapy and Clinic music therapy 2.3.1.Technical and methodological elements
3. Music in the context of rehabilitation of people with disabilities 3.1. Musical and psico-musical techniques and strategies used in the rehabilitation field
4. Music in hospitals
4.1. Framing of hospitals
4.2. Demarcation between clinical activity and leisure activity
4.3. Musical animation techniques specific to the hospitals
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Report of a seminar or field trip - 20.0%
- - Portfolio - 15.0%
- - Frequency - 15.0%
- - Project - 30.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Berrocal, J. (2013). Música y neurociencia: la musicoterapia: sus fundamentos, efectos y aplicaciones terapéuticas. Barcelona: Carrera ed.
Bruscia, K. (2014). Defining Music Therapy (3rd Edition). Barcelona Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-937440572
Frid, Emma. (2019). Accessible Digital Musical Instruments – a review of Musical Interfaces in Inclusive Music Practice Multimododal Technologies and Interaction 3, nº3:57.
Martin, S. (2001). Music and Inclusion: A performance partnership. Paper presented at the Make a World of Difference conference, Internacional Association of Special Educacion.
Sabbatella, Patrícia (2005). Intervención Musical en el alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales: Delimitaciones conceptuales desde la Pedagogía Musical y la Musicoterapia. RevistaTavira.Cádiz: Paper Universid Cádiz, 123-130
Steinmo, Bjørn & Tom Næss (2007). Pop and rock with colours. Easy ways of building a pop-rock band using special tuning and colours. Oslo: Norsk noteservice