Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The syllabus will be treated using two complementary methodologies: interpretation, analysis and exposition of the contents taught by the professor and their discussion with the students; solving practical cases.
Learning Results
At the end of the course unit the student should be able to:
a) Know the natural hazards, causes, effects on the territory, infrastructure and equipment.
b) Understand the effects of human occupation, planning and planning problems.
c) Apply preventive measures and control the effects of the most likely natural occurrences in the Portuguese context: floods, landslides, earthquakes and mitigation measures.
d) Analyze the preservation, conservation and regeneration of natural resources for the development of a healthy lifestyle, protection of people and the planet, enhancing the co-construction of fair and sustainable organizations, communities and cities.
1. Environment and climate change
2. Anthropogenic occupation, planning and planning problems. Identification of natural and geological risks, causes, prevention measures, mitigation measures:
a. The earthquakes
b. Volcanoes
c. Slope zones – mass movements
d. Floods
e. Coastal areas
f. Natural resources
3. Global challenges and sustainable development goals (SDGs):
a. The historical concept of sustainable development
b. Ethical values and principles
c. What are the SDGs – scale and scope
d. Implementation and monitoring
4. Sustainable Cities: the international and national agendas; smart cities, the cities of the future:
a. The sustainable tourism
b. Food and Earth sustainability (regeneration of agricultural ecosystems)
c. Health and wellness
d. Sustainable Mobility
e. Local economy
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - 2 Individual written tests - 80.0%
- - Individual written work - 20.0%
- - 2 Individual written tests - 80.0%
- - Individual written work - 20.0%
Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (2016). Cidades resilientes em Portugal.
Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (2016). Gestão do risco de inundação – documento de apoio a boas práticas. Plataforma nacional para a redução do risco de catástrofes. Lisboa.
Dickson, E. et al. (2012). Urban risk assessments: an approach for understanding disaster and climate risk in cities. The World Bank.
Fernandes, M. (2011). Mecânica dos Solos – Introdução à Engenharia Geotécnica. FEUP Edições.
Madureira, H. (2006). Na procura de formas urbanas sustentáveis: a necessidade de contextualização geográfica in Eixo Atlantico. Revista da Eurorregiao Galicia-Norte de Portugal, no 10, Xullo-Decembro.
Nações Unidas (2012). Como construir cidades mais resilientes – Um Guia para Gestores Públicos Locais. UNISDR. Geneva.
Paro, Roberta (2011). Cidades sustentáveis: alguns enfoques e fatores críticos. Centro de Desenvolvimento da Sustentabilidade na Construção. Fundação Dom Cabral
Ponte da Silva, G. (2008). Forma urbana e sustentabilidade, in Prospectiva e Planeamento, vol. 15. Departamento de Prospectiva e Planeamento e Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Economia
Vallejo, L. (2004). Ingeniería Geológica. Pearson Educación – Prentice Hall. Madrid. Spain