Nature Sports Management

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical and practical content will be presented through oral and Powerpoint presentation, complemented by viewing educational videos, analysis / discussion of texts and case studies. In practical laboratory classes will be adopted the following strategies and procedures: oral presentation, demonstration, observation / correction, instruments of observation and evaluation, and specific learning material.

The process will be made by continuous assessment or final exam.

By continuous assessment:

A) theoretical and practical component (70%)

– Evaluation of the territories “capacities/competencies” to implement Nature Sports (NS) projects/programs – Work group.

B) Practical-laboratorial component (30%)

Observations, observations reports and presentation of observational reports – practices at NS destinations – Individual work.

By evaluation by exam:

A) theoretical and practical component (70%)

B) Practical-laboratorial component (30%).

Learning Results

Analyze the characteristics of the Nature Sports (NS), including aspects such as history, social organization of practitioners and practice contexts, allowing relate and articulate the concepts of Sport,

Tourism and Leisure;

Understand the Organic of NS, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of this reality, compared with others (international): political-legal and institutional framework, supply and demand; profile, functions and training of professionals;

Understand the NS pontecial to the sustainability of the local development and to structuring the territories;

Know the methodological tools of planning and management of programs, projects and events within the scope of NS, spaces of practice (outdoor spaces), equipment and infrastructure to support the practice, risk and safety analysis, and quality of services in order to adapt these practices to different contexts and means of prática (air, water and earth).



1. Nature Sports: Origin, concepts and characteristics;

2. Nature Sports organization;

3. Nature Sports and sustainability of the local development;

4. Planning of programs, projects and events related with Nature Sports;

5. Management of programs, projects and events of Nature Sports

5.1. Management and promotion of activities;

5.2. Management and maintenance of materials and equipment;

5.3. Natural areas management / sustainability;

5.4. Management of sports facilities (Adventure Parks, Nautical Centres, etc.).

5.5. Risk and safety management.

Grading Methods

Evaluation by final Exam
  • - Individual work - 30.0%
  • - Group work - 70.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Group work - 70.0%
  • - Individual work - 30.0%




Dougherty, N. (ed.) (1998). “Outdoor recreation safety”. United States: Human Kinetics.

Newsome D., et al (2002). “Natural Area Tourism – Ecology, Impacts and Management; Aspects of Tourism Serie”. Clevedon: Channel View Publications.

Melo, R. & Mendes, R. (2011). Gestão do Risco e da Segurança em Desportos de Natureza: o caso dos Desportos de Montanha. In Pereira, B. et al. (Coord.). “Atividade Física, Saúde e Lazer. O Valor Formativo do Jogo e da Brincadeira”. Braga: Univ. Minho.


Melo, R. (2009). Desportos de Natureza: Reflexões sobre a sua definição conceptual. Coimbra: “Revista Exedra”, 2ª edição, pp. 93-104.

TORKILDSEN, G. (1999). “Leisure and Recreation Management”. London: Spon Press.

Marinho, A. & Bruhns, H. (org.) (2003). “Turismo, Lazer e Natureza”. São Paulo: Ed. Manole.

Lança, R. (2004). “Animação Desportiva e Tempos Livres, uma perspetiva de organização”. Lisboa: Ed. Caminho.

Cunha, L. (1997). “O Espaço, o Desporto e o Desenvolvimento”. UTL-FMH, Lisboa.