Occupational Hygiene

Base Knowledge

Contents of Occupational Health and its disciplines, as well as the knowledge of public health covered in the curricular unit of Introduction to Environmental Health.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical contents are presented and discussed with support in powerpoint presentations and videos.

The practical classes include the resolution of specific problems of each theme of the program, which in some cases correspond to real situations and the demonstration of monitoring equipment.

expository method.

PBL – Problem Based Learning

Case Study

Practice in real work contexts

The defined teaching methodologies, namely the explanation of contents in an expository and interactive way, using audiovisual means, allow the acquisition of knowledge in the scope of Work Hygiene.


Whenever possible, participation/organization in activities/events framed in the themes of the Curricular Unit will be promoted.

Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:

– Methods and techniques for hazard identification and risk assessment within the scope of Occupational Hygiene;

– Identification of risk prevention and control measures, complying with the general prevention principles;


The student must acquire skills to:

– List and plan exposure assessment strategies to physical, chemical and biological risk factors;

– Understand and apply the control hierarchy principles in the selection of measures to control physical, chemical and biological risks.


The student must acquire competences to:

– Identify physical, chemical and biological risk factors;

– Monitor and measure physical, chemical and biological risk factors

– Know, interpret and plan the application of legal diplomas, regulations and guides to good practices, to work situations involving hygienic risk.


Presentation of the Faculty, Students and FUC elements – (1 hour)

Introduction to Work Hygiene – (3 hour)

Principles and domains of Work Hygiene

Assessment and prevention of physical risks

The lighting – (6 hours)

Types, parameters and measurement units, reading equipment and its operating principles, effects on vision, criteria for risk assessment, basic parameters for dimensioning artificial lighting systems (location, luminous intensity, selection of reinforcements)

Maintenance and cleaning criteria for the lighting system; recommended lighting levels, technical standards

Prevention and protection measures collective and individual prevention and protection measures, legislation and technical standards

the noise

Parameters and measurement units, reading equipment and its operating principles, exposure effects, exposure limit values ​​and action level, sampling methodology and strategy (location of measurement points, duration and sampling times, numbers and frequency of samples, statistical treatment of results), collective and individual prevention and protection measures, legislation and technical standards

the vibrations

Parameters and measurement units, reading equipment and its operating principles, exposure effects, exposure limit values, sampling methodology and strategy (location of measurement points, duration and sampling times, numbers and frequency of samples, statistical treatment results), collective and individual prevention and protection measures, legislation and technical standards

Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation – (10 hours)

Parameters and measurement units, reading equipment and its operating principles, exposure effects, exposure limit values ​​and action level, sampling methodology and strategy (location of measurement points, duration and sampling times, numbers and frequency of samples, statistical treatment of results), collective and individual prevention and protection measures, legislation and technical standards

The thermal environment – (8 hours)

Concept of Thermal Stress and thermal comfort, parameters and measurement units, reading equipment and its operating principles, effects of exposure to “thermal stress”, exposure limit values, sampling methodology and strategy, number and frequency of samples, statistical treatment of results), collective and individual prevention and protection measures, criteria for assessing thermal comfort, legislation and technical standards

Assessment and prevention of chemical risks – (20 hours)

Classification of chemical agents

Notions of toxicology (ways of penetration of toxics into the body, concentrations and lethal doses, acute and chronic toxicity, dose-response effect, physiological effects of toxics)

Methodologies and techniques for evaluating and controlling exposure to chemical agents

Types, hazard classification, routes of entry into the body, effects of exposure, exposure limit values ​​and action levels, biological exposure indices, measuring instruments and their operating principles, sampling methodology and strategy (location of collection points of samples, duration and sampling times, number and frequency of samples, statistical treatment of results), elementary notions concerning analytical methods (spectrophotometry, chromatography, atomic absorption, microscopy); collective and individual prevention and protection measures, exposure to specific chemical agents (carcinogens, asbestos, lead, vinyl chloride), applicable legislation

Safety signage associated with packaging and labeling

Assessment and prevention of biological risks – (14 hours)

Notions of microbiology and epidemiology; classification, hazards, effects of exposure, exposure assessment criteria, prevention and collective and individual protection measures, legislation

Effects resulting from combined exposures (simultaneous or sequential exposure to multiple risk factors)

Calibration procedures for reading instruments

Ventilation and air conditioning systems: basic sizing parameters (renewal rates, flow, location and air intakes), criteria for maintenance and cleaning of the systems

Professional activities that present biological risk.

Assessment – (2 hours)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary bibliography

Alegre, Ana Paula [et al.] – Experiências de implementação de sistemas de segurança, higiene e saúde ocupacional. Sintra : NPF – Pesquisa e Formação, imp. 2000. 133 p.

Burton, D. Jeff – Industrial hygiene workbook : the occupational health sciences. 6 th ed. Utah : Ive, 2008. 341 p. paginação variada. ISBN 1-883992-11-7

Candeias, Fernanda – Técnico superior de segurança e higiene do trabalho. Técnico de segurança e higiene do trabalho : guia de apoio. 1ª ed. Lisboa : IDICT, 2004. 102 p.. ISBN 972-8321-71-6

Carreira, Abel [et al.] – Segurança, higiene e saúde do trabalho : um guia prático imprescindível para a sua actividade diária. 1ª ed. Lisboa : Verlag Dashöfer, cop. 2009. 1 vol., (f. soltas de pag. var. em dossier A5). ISBN 978-972-98385-2-1

Colóquio Internacional de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais, 6, Guimarães, 11 e 12 de Fevereiro de 2010 – Segurança e higiene ocupacionais – SHO 2010. [Guimarães] : SPOSHO, 2010. 564 p.. ISBN 978-972-99504-6-9

Couto, J. Marques – Segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho. Tomar : Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, 1999. XIX, 776 p. ISBN 972-9473-25-0

Damião, Elisa ;  ; Quintanova, Eduardo, ed. lit. – Manual de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho. Lisboa : UGT-  União Geral de Trabalhadores, 1999. 513 p.

G. Fernandez, José – El control de particulas em ambientes laborales. Madrid : Editorial Mapfre, 1979. X, 81 p.. ISBN 84-7100-093-8

Gonelha, Luís Maldonado ; Saldanha, Ricardo Azevedo  – Segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho em estaleiros de construção : Decreto-Lei nº 273/03, de 29 de Outubro anotado e comentado. 2ª ed. Lisboa : Associação Forum Mercados Públicos, 2006. 305 p.. ISBN 978-972-99890-0-1

Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade ; Sistemas Avançados de Formação – Higiene, segurança e saúde no local de trabalho : indústria metalomecânica. Lisboa : Edições Técnicas do Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, D. L. 1993. 60 p.. ISBN 972-9228-44-2

Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade ; Sistemas Avançados de Formação – Higiene, segurança e saúde no local de trabalho : indústria metalomecânica. Lisboa : Edições Técnicas do Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, D. L. 1993. 60 p.. ISBN 972-9228-44-2

International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, Guimarães, Portugal, 14-15 February 2013 – Occupational Safety and Hygiene. London : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, cop. 2013. xiv, 631 p.. ISBN 978-1-138-00047-6

Macedo, Ricardo – As fibras industriais e a saúde. 1ª ed. Lisboa : IDICT, 2001. 305 p.. ISBN 972-8321-37-6

Manual de higiene industrial. 2ª ed. Madrid : Fundación Mafre, cop. 1995. XII, 852 p.. ISBN 84-7100-945-5

Miguel, Alberto Sérgio S. R. ; Vasconcelos, J. Francisco – Manual de higiene e segurança do trabalho. 13ª edição. Porto : Porto Editora, 2014. 480 p.. ISBN 978-972-0-01896-0

Nunes, Fernando M. D. Oliveira  – Segurança e higiene do trabalho : manual técnico. 1ª ed. Amadora : Gustave Eiffel, 2006. 637 p.. ISBN 978-972-8326-45-6

Oliveira, Lurdes de Carvalho de – Segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho : manual de apoio. 2ª ed. Porto : Vida Económica, D. L. 2005. 429 p.. ISBN 978-972-788-224-3

Oliveira, M. Carvalho – Manual de higiene e segurança na escola : formação para professores. 2ª ed. Braga : Casa do Professor, D. L. 2002. 108 p., paginação variada. ISBN 972-98584-3-8

Pinto, Abel – Sistemas de gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho : guia para a sua implementação. 1ª ed. Lisboa : Edições Sílabo, 2005. 367 p.. ISBN 978-972-618-371-6

Pontanel, Hugues Gounelle de ; Giudicelli, Claude-Pierre – Protecção da saúde : higiene e meio ambiente. 14ª ed. Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, D. L. 1995. 430 p. ISBN 972-8245-71-8

Portugal. Direcção-Geral de Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho – Regulamento geral de segurança e higiene do trabalho nos estabelecimentos industriais. 3ª ed. Lisboa : DGHST, 1993. 83 p.. ISBN 972-704-099-3

Quintas, Paula – Manual de direito da segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho. 1ª ed. Coimbra : Almedina, 2006. 303 p. ISBN 978-972-40-2797-5

Rocha, Luís Neves [et al.] – Melhoria das condições de trabalho nas microempresas cerâmicas : guia prático. Lisboa : ISHST – Instituto para a Segurança, Higiene e Saúde no Trabalho, 2006. 100 p.. ISBN 978-989-8076-01-4

Course Unit Manuals

Legislation within the scope of the subjects of the Curricular Unit


Secondary Bibliography

Bento, A. (2002). Ergonomia: contributos para a gestão de recursos humanos. In A. Caetano & J. Vala (Org.), Gestão de recursos humanos: contextos, processos e técnicas. Lisboa: Rh Editora.
De Keyser, V., & Leonova A.B. (2001). Error prevention and well-being at work in western Europe and Russia. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Guérin, F., Laville, A., Daniellou, F., Duraffourg, J. & Kerguelen, A. (2006). Compreender o trabalho para transformá-lo: a prática da ergonomia. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher.
Leplat, J. & Cuny, X. (1979). Les accidents de travail. Paris: PUF.
Montmollin, M. (1995). A Ergonomia. Edições Piaget.
Ramos, S., Gonçalves, I., Simões, H., & Rebelo, F. (2010). O contributo do design ergonómico na interacção com dispositivos de controlo: um caso de reconcepção de um posto de trabalho. Laboreal, 6, (1), 17-28 http://laboreal.up.pt/revista/artigo.php?id=37t45nSU54711238:7625173931
Reason, J. (1990). Human Error. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Silva, S. (2008). Culturas de Segurança e Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho numa Abordagem Psicossocial: Valores Organizacionais Declarados e em Uso. Lisboa: FCG.