Base Knowledge
math and drawing, software: spreadsheets and CAD.
Teaching Methodologies
The methodology adopted in the theoretical-practical classes includes, for each theme, 4 different stages. In the 1st, students are contextualized with a summary of recent developments, followed by a theoretical presentation of the situation and current methodologies, opting for the expository and inquisitive method. In the 3rd phase, it is shown how to apply the knowledge transmitted through the presentation of solved examples, reports of real situations and resolution of exercises. In the last phase, students prepare practical works of technical-scientific interpretation and research, in groups, encouraging teamwork. The Tutorials are dedicated to clarifying doubts and monitoring the evolution of the resolution of the works. Evaluation: has two components of equal value. The 1st, of a continuous nature, includes the elaboration of practical works. The 2nd consists of an exam. The final grade results from the sum of the two parts, and none can have a classification lower than 30% of the respective total.
In the present academic year, it is intended to introduce in a number of u.c.’s of the Constructions disciplinary group the methodology of Project Based Learning (PBL), and, for this purpose, practical works are foreseen based on the same project used in the u.c. of Operations Management I, and in the various other subjects that joined this initiative, which will consist of construction planning and subsequent control of a construction simulation.
In this way, it is intended to continue the PBL methodology started in the 1st semester, in which students start by working on the design phase of the building, developing constructive solutions and detailing them and verifying the respective legislation, then they prepared the bill of quantities necessary to carry out the project, proceeded to calculate a cost estimate, and now they will plan all the quantified and budgeted works, and finally simulate the construction through the preparation of monthly bills.
As mentioned, the common thread of this whole process will be the fact that it is the same building, and therefore, the same project, which will allow students a concrete and consistent application of the knowledge transmitted in a real situation.
Learning Results
Focus on the most important subjects for professionals working for companies dedicated to construction, management and inspection of construction works, including planning, organizing and managing a building site.
Generic skills
understanding and solving the problems, resolution methodology selection and consequent application. Evaluate the results obtained, look for alternative solutions and communicate the results according to specific predefined criteria.
Specific skills
acquiring knowledge and capacity of organizing a building site, planning the construction works and optimizing the plan, monitoring the works evolution and calculating the monthly situations.
Organizing and planning building sites.
Selecting and managing outsourced construction works
Identifying the activities and their dependencies
Estimating each activity duration
Elaborating work plan diagrams and identifying the critical path
Manage the works in progress
Calculate monthly situations
The building site director preferred profile Meetings management: useful techniques.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Coutinho-Rodrigues, João, (2002), Gestão de Empreendimentos – A Componente de Gestão da Engenharia, Ediliber, Coimbra.
Farinha, Brasão e Paz Branco, (1996), Manual de Estaleiros de Construcão de Edifícios, LNEC. Branco, José Paz, (1977), Introdução ao Planeamento na Construção de Edifícios, LNEC.
Correia dos Reis, António (2007), Organização e Gestão de Obras, Edições Técnicas ETL, Lda, Lisboa. Legislação específica em vigor.
Texto de apoio elaborados pelo Docente.