Base Knowledge
It is desirable that students have some knowledge of operational research.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching component of this Curricular Unit, CU, comprises theoretical-practical classes (i.e. presentation of concepts and corresponding practical illustration).
These classes will have an expository component of the concepts and fundamentals involved in each of the topics discussed and a practical component aimed at the appreciation and analysis of case studies.
The use of computer support and various computer applications will also be an important component in the teaching methodology.
Learning Results
The main objective of this curricular unit, UC, is:
O1 – make students aware of the importance of operations management, from a perspective of optimization and the entire decision-making process.
As specific objectives, it is important to mention:
SO1 – raising students’ awareness of a set of representation techniques,
SO2 – modeling and solving various mathematical programming problems;
SO3 – Interpretation and analysis of solutions
The proposed approach aims to develop competencies and skills in the following areas:
C1 – the decision-making process;
C2 – Operations Optimization and Management (OGO);
C3 – quantitative treatment of scarce resource management problems;
C4 – planning and programming activities;
C5 – logistics and supply chain.
1 – Operations
1.1 Operations and Operations Management;
1.2 Operations Strategy;
1.3 Processes and operations: design and planning;
1.4 Operations: control and monitoring;
1.5 Performance Assessment and Measures.
2 – Decision and Optimization
2.1 Decision Making: Decision Maker, Models and Methods;
2.2 Decision analysis and capacity planning
2.3 Optimization Model and Models: Representativeness, Robustness and Dimension;
2.4 Formal Problem Translation – PL and PLI formulations;
2.5 Properties, Resolution Methods and Economic Interpretation of the Optimal Solution;
2.6 Modeling with binary variables;
2.7 Case studies: Computer-supported resolution.
3 – Case Studies in OGO (Optimization and Operations Management)
3.1 Logistics and Inventory Management
3.2 Production Planning and Management;
3.3 Transport and Distribution;
3.4 Route Optimization;
3.5 Supply Chain Planning and Management.
Curricular Unit Teachers
[1] Hillier, F & Lieberman, G., Introduction to Operations Research, 11th Edition., McGraw Hill, 11th Ed., 2021, ISBN10: 1259872998 | ISBN13: 9781259872990
[2] Slack, N. & Brandon-Jones, A., 2019, Operations Management, 9th edition, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN13 9781292253961
[3] Stevensen, W. J., Operations Management, McGraw Hill, 2021, 14th Ed, ISBN10: 126023889X | ISBN13: 9781260238891
[4] Carvalho, J.C e outros. Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento, 2ª Edição, Sílabo, 2017, ISBN:978-972-618-894-0.
[5] Hillier F.S. e G.J. Lieberman, Introdução à Pesquisa Operacional, McGraw Hill, 8th Ed., 2006, ISBN: 85-86804681. (
[6] Jacobs, F.R. Operations and Supply Chain Management, McGraw-Hill, 2020, ISBN: 9781260575941