Patient Care in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy

Base Knowledge

Information not defined

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical classes are aimed at the detailed presentation of the contents. It uses an expository-active methodology, appealing to the active participation of students, promoting realization of practical work, viewing multimedia, explanations and demonstrations on models.


Learning Results

The student must acquire knowledge of:

• Fit in a transdisciplinary health team.

• Recognize the importance of interprofessional relations to ensure the highest quality of patient care

• Communicate (verbally and in writing) and participate in a multicultural environment and/or international professional affairs.

The student must acquire skills for:

• Recognize and monitor vital signs and apply the basic life support procedures.

• Identify and act accordingly with special health care required for special cases of disease.

• Communicate efficiently with regard to the examination and/or treatment especially in oncological situation.

The student must acquire competences for:

• Intervene in an emergency situation.

• Administer contrast products or radiopharmaceuticals and aftercare in situation of adverse reaction.

• Use appropriate techniques for patients’ mobilization, surveillance and security.


Safety, hygiene and health at work;

Occupational Risks;

Asepsis standards;

Material of nursing (emergency car, collector bags, catheters, needles, probes, gloves, disinfectants, drains, salines, etc.) its applicability and use in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy;

Interventions and clinical procedures in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy;

Emergency/urgent need;

Basic life support: theoretical approach and practice simulated;

Types of drugs (including contrast agents and radiopharmaceuticals) used in professional practice and in emergency resuscitation: administration, associated risks, legislation and regulations;

Side effects and collaterals: skills and competencies to eradicate these effects;

Radioactive products and their handling;

Mobilization, immobilization of patients;

Storage and security of supplies in the services of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Referencias primárias:

Eiras M. Qualidade e gestão do risco e segurança do doente na prestação de cuidados de saúde. Beja, 2009.

Elkin M., Perry A., Potter P. Intervenções de enfermagem e Procedimentos Clínicos. Mosby, 2000.

European Rescussitation Council, (sd) Algoritmo do Suporte Basico de Vida.

Faithfull S. & Wells M. Supportive Care in Radiotherapy. Churchill Livingstone. London, 2003.

Gonzalez P. Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Masson, 1ére. Édition. 2003.

Grillo IM. Gestão da segurança do Doente em Radioterapia. Serviço de Radioterapia– Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte EPE, 2009.

João Marcelino J, Carvalho S, Duarte F, Costa A, Barbosa M. Reações adversas a meios de contraste iodados. Rev Port Imunoalergologia [Internet]. 2019 Mar 14;27(1):9–20. Available from:

Khan FM., Gerbi BJ. Treatment planning in radiation oncology. 3rd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. USA, 2012.

Levitt SH., Purdy JA., Perez CA. & Vijayakumar S. Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy: Pratical Clinical Applications. 4th Ed. Berlin. Springer, 2006.

 Pintassilgo Santos A, Mascarenhas Gaivão A, Tavares A, Ferreira S. Iodinated contrast agents. In: Acta Medica Portuguesa. 2009.

INEM – Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica DFEM – Departamento de Formação em Emergência Médica. Manual de Suporte Básico de Vida – Adulto. Versão 4.0 – 2.ª Edição 2017.

Pittiruti & Mauro Scoppettuolo Giancarlo. Manual GAVeCeLT de PICC e cateter Midline Indicações, Inserção e Manejo, Edra, ed. 2016.

OBS. Outras referências facultadas no final de cada aula de forma a desenvolver o hábito de pesquisa e leitura.